Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


Abbreviation Charts

A - Ampere(s)
ABS - Anti lock Brake System
AC - Alternating Current
A/C - Air Conditioning
ACCEL - Accelerator
ACC - Accessory
ACL - Air Cleaner
Adj. - Adjust
A/F - Air Fuel Ratio
AIR - Secondary Air Injection System
Alt - Altitude
AMP - Ampere(s)
ANT - Antenna
ASM - Assembly
A/T - Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
ATDC - After Top Dead Center
ATF - Automatic Transmission Fluid
Auth - Authority
Auto - Automatic
BARO - Barometric Pressure
Bat - Battery
B+ - Battery Positive Voltage
BHP - Brake Horsepower
BPT - Backpressure Transducer
BTDC - Before Top Dead Center
C - Degrees Celsius
CAC - Charge Air Cooler
Calif - California
cc - Cubic Centimeter
CID - Cubic Inch Displacement
CKP - Crankshaft Position
CL - Closed Loop
CMP - Camshaft Position
CO - Carbon Monoxide
Coax - Coaxial
Conn - Connector
Conv - Converter
Crank - Crankshaft
Cu. In. - Cubic Inch
CV - Constant Velocity
Cyl - Cylinder(s)
DI - Distributor Ignition
Diff - Differential
Dist - Distributor
DLC - Data Link Connector
DOHC - Double Overhead Camshaft
DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Code
DTM - Diagnostic Test Mode
DTT - Diagnostic Test Terminal
DVM - Digital Voltmeter (10 meg.)
DVOM - Digital Volt Ohmmeter
EBCM - Electronic Brake Control Module
ECM - Engine Control Module
ECT - Engine Coolant Temperature
EEPROM - Electronically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EGR - Exhaust Gas Recirculation
EI - Electronic Ignition
ETR - Electronically Tuned Receiver
EVAP - Evaporation Emission
Exh - Exhaust
F - Degrees Fahrenheit
Fed - Federal (All States Except Calif.)
FF - Front Drive Front Engine
FL - Fusible Link
FLW - Fusible Link Wire
FP - Fuel Pump
FRT - Front
ft - Foot
FWD - Front Wheel Drive
4WD - Four Wheel Drive
4 x 4 - Four Wheel Drive
4 A/T - Four Speed Automatic Transmission/Transaxle
Gal - Gallon
GEN - Generator
GND - Ground
Gov - Governor
Ham - Harness
HC - Hydrocarbons
HD-Heavy Duty
Hg - Hydrargyrum (Mercury)
HiAlt - High Altitude
H02S - Heated Oxygen Sensor
HVAC - Heater-Vent-Air Conditioning
IAC - Idle Air Control
IAT - Intake Air Temperature
IC - Integrated Circuit/Ignition Control
ID - Identification
I - Inside Diameter
IGN - Ignition
INJ - Injection
IP - Instrument Panel
IPC - Instrument Panel Cluster
Int - Intake
ISC - Idle Speed Control
J/B - Junction Block
kg - Kilograms
km - Kilometers
km/h - Kilometer per Hour
kPa - Kilopascals
kV - Kilovolts (thousands of volts)
kW - Kilowatts
KS - Knock Sensor
L - Liter
lb ft - Foot Pounds
lb in - lnch Pounds
LF - Left Front
LH - Left Hand
LR - Left Rear
LS - Left Side
LWB - Long Wheel Base
4L - In-Line Four Cylinder Engine
MAF - Mass Air Flow
MAN - Manual
MAP - Manifold Absolute Pressure
Max - Maximum
MC - Mixture Control
MFI - Muitiport Fuel Injection
MIL - Malfunction Indicator Lamp
Mm - Minimum
mm - Millimeter
MPG - Miles Per Gallon
MPH - Miles Per Hour
M/T - Manual Transmission/Transaxle
MV - Millivolt
N - Newtons
NA - Natural Aspirated
NC - Normally Closed
Nm - Newton Meters
NO - Normally Open
NOX - Nitrogen, Oxides of
OBD - On-Board Diagnostic
OD - Outside Diameter
O/D - Over Drive
OHC - Overhead Camshaft
OL - Open Loop
O2 - Oxygen
O2S - Oxygen Sensor
PAIR - Pulsed Secondary Air Injection System
P/B - Power Brakes
PCM - Powertrain Control Module
PCV - Positive Crankcase Ventilation
PRESS - Pressure
PROM - Programmable Read Only Memory
PNP - Park/Neutral Position
P/S - Power Steering
PSI - Pounds per Square Inch
PSP - Power Steering Pressure
Pt. - Pint
Pri - Primary
PWM - Pulse Width Modulate
Qt. - Quart
REF - Reference
RF - Right Front
RFI - Radio Frequency Interference
RH - Right Hand
RPM - Revolutions Per Minute
RPM Sensor - Engine Speed Sensor
RPO - Regular Production Option
RR - Right Rear
RS - Right Side
RTV - Room Temperature Vulcanizing
RWAL - Rear Wheel Anti lock Brake
RWD - Rear Wheel Drive
SAE - Society of Automotive Engineers
Sec - Secondary
SFI - Sequential Multiport Fuel Injection
SI - System International
SIR - Supplemental Inflatable Restraint System
SOHC - Single Overhead Camshaft
Sol - Solenoid
SPEC - Specification
Speedo - Speedometer
SRS - Supplemental Restraint System
ST - Start / Scan Tool
Sw - Switch
SWB - Short Wheel Base
SYN - Synchronize
Tach - Tachometer
TB - Throttle Body
TBI - Throttle Body Fuel Injection
TCC - Torque Converter Clutch
TCM - Transmission Control Module
TDC - Top Dead Center
Term - Terminal
TEMP - Temperature
TOD- Torque On Demand
TP - Throttle Position
TRANS - Transmission/Transaxle
TURBO - Turbocharger
TVRS - Television & Radio Suppression
TVV - Thermal Vacuum Valve
TWC - Three Way Catalytic Converter
3 A/T-Three Speed Automatic Transmission(Transaxle
2WD - Two Wheel Drive
4 x 2-Two Wheel Drive
U-joint - Universal Joint
V -Volt(s)
VAC - Vacuum
VIN - Vehicle Identification Number
VRRRE - Vehicle Refrigerant Recovery and Recycling Equipment
V-ref - ECM Reference Voltage
VSS - Vehicle Speed Sensor
VSV - Vacuum Switch Valve
V6 - Six Cylinder "V" Engine
V8 - Eight Cylinder "V" Engine
W -Watt(s)
w/b - Wheel Base
w/o - Without
WOT - Wide Open Throttle