Components C-100 Through S604
C100 (8 cavities)
Engine harness to oxygen sensor extension harness. rear of VCM near blower motor
C101 (7 cavities)
4.3L engine harness to 4.3L I/P extension harness, RH side of engine compartment near VCM
C102 (15 cavities)
Engine harness to front of dash harness, LH rear of engine compartment above brake booster
C103 (7 cavities)
Engine harness to front of dash harness, LH rear of engine compartment above brake booster, A/T
C104 (6 cavities)
Engine harness to chassis harness, forward of lower portion of HVAC evaporator coil housing
C105 (4 cavities)
Engine to oxygen sensor extension harness, LH frarne rail, near vehicle speed sensor
C106 (15 cavities)
Front of dash harness to forward lamp harness, LH rear of engine compartment near Battery Junction Block
C107 (7 cavities)
Front of dash harness to chassis harness, engine compartment near power distribution center
C109 (4 cavities)
Front of dash harness to 4WAL/SIR forward extension harness, LH rear of engine compartment near Battery Junction Block
C110 (4 cavities)
Front of dash harness to chassis harness, engine compartment near power distribution center
C111 (12 cavities)
Engine harness to fuel injector harness connector, top center of engine
C115 (2 cavities)
Battery harness to forward lamp harness, Front RH side of engine compartment near battery
C116 (2 cavities)
Engine harness to VSS extension harness, near C175, passes over the top of the rear of transmission, (4.3L Engine W/ A/T)
C117 (4 cavities)
Engine harness to post converter oxygen sensor, RH side of transmission near the C175 breakout
C118 (1 cavity)
Engine harness to preconverter oxygen sensor, LH side of engine near exhaust manifold
C120 (15 cavities)
Engine harness to I/P extension harness, near Powertrain Control Module on RH side of engine compartment, 2.2L engine
C121 (2 cavities)
Engine harness to I/P extension harness, near Powertrain Control Module on RH side of engine compartment, 2.2L engine
C125 (4 cavities)
Oxygen sensor extension harness to oxygen sensor pigtail, RH side frarne approximately mid way between the catalytic converter and muffler, 4.3L engine
C126 (4 cavities)
Oxygen sensor extension harness to oxygen sensor pigtail, On RH frarne rail just forward of Y-pipe, 4.3L engine
C127 (4 cavities)
Oxygen sensor extension harness to oxygen sensor pigtail, RH side frarne rail just rear of Y-pipe, 4.3L engine
C128 (2 cavities)
4 wheel anti-lock harness to wheel speed sensor pigtail connector, LH front
C129 (2 cavities)
4 wheel anti-lock harness to wheel speed sensor pigtail connector, RH front
C175 (13 cavities)
Engine harness to transmission, RH side of transmission just forward of catalytic converter
C200 (23 cavities)
Front of dash harness to I/P harness, behind RH side of instrument panel
C201 (23 cavities)
I/P harness to I/P extension harness, behind RH side of instrument panel
C202 (6 cavities)
I/P harness to I/P extension harness, behind RH side of instrument panel
C203 (56 cavities)
Front of dash harness to I/P harness, behind instrument panel, RH side
C207 (2 cavities)
Front of dash harness to safety belt retractor switch (pigtail), underneath drivers seat
C209 (10 cavities)
Front of dash harness to dome lamp harness connector, behind upper LH side of instrument panel
C211 (48 cavities)
Front of dash harness to steenng column harness, on steering column
C214 (2 cavities)
Front of dash harness SRS, to steering column harness SRS, SRS connector at steering column
C219 (8 cavities)
Front of dash harness to crossbody harness, top center of instrument panel
C222 (8 cavities)
Crossbody harness to radio harness, W/ 6, 4 speakers, behind center of I/P
C224 (4 cavities)
I/P harness to cigarette lighter extension harness
C225 (2 cavity)
Steering column harness to inflator module pigtail
C226 (2 cavity)
Steering column harness to BTSI pigtail W/ column shift A/T
C233 (4 cavities)
Dome harness to radio harness, extended pickup W/O rear side door
C401 (4 cavities)
Chassis harness to taillarnp harness, near G402
C430 (2 cavities)
Rear lamp harness to license pigtail connector
C500 (13 cavities)
Cross body harness to LH front door harness, inside LH door
C501 (16 cavities)
Cross body harness to LH front door harness, Inside LH door
C504 (4 cavities)
LH front door harness to outside rear view mirror pigtail
C6OO (13 cavities)
Cross body harness to RH front door harness, Inside RH door
C601 (16 cavities)
Cross body harness to RH front door harness, Inside RH door
C603 (4 cavities)
RH front door harness to outside rear view mirror pigtail
At cowl on LH rear of engine compartment
To the rear of and below the blower motor
Below LH side of A/C Evaporator and Bower Module Assembly
Center roof near high mounted stop lamp
At LH front door
LH front door at Outside Remote Control Rear View Mirror, LH
At RH frontdoor
RH front door at Outside Remote Control Rear View Mirror, RH
LH B-pillar
RH B-pillar
At endgate
G100 (2.2L Engine)
Lower RH front of engine block
G100 (4.3L Engine)
Lower RH front of engine block
G101 (2.2L Engine)
Lower RH radiator support
G101 (4.3L Engine)
LH rear of engine compartment to the left of the A/C compressor relay
G102 (2.2L Engine)
LH side of engine below exhaust manifold
G102 (4.3L Engine)
RH rear of engine, on head
G103 (4.3L Engine)
RH rear of engine, on head
G104 (4.3L Engine)
LH rear portion of cylinder head
G105 (4.3L Engine)
LH rear portion of cylinder head
Battery harness, RH front frame near wheel speed sensor connector
G107 (2.2L Engine)
RH forward lower engine block
G107 (4.3L Engine)
Lower engine block, below water pump
Battery harness, RH radiator support
Forward lamp harness, RH radiator support
Forward lamp harness, RH radiator support
LH rear of engine compartment to the left of the A/C compressor relay, 2.2L engine
LH rear engine, below crankshaft position sensor, 2.2L engine
LH rear engine, below crankshaft position sensor, 2.2L engine
LH side of engine below exhaust manifold, engine harness, 2.2L engine
LH side of engine below exhaust manifold, engine harness 2.2L engine
On LH radiator support
On RH radiator support
On LH Radiator support
LH side of engine below exhajist manifold, engine harness, 2.2L engine
G180 (2.2L Engine)
Lower LH radiator support
G180 (4.3L Engine)
Lower RH radiator support
LH rear of chassis frame on cross member
LH rear of chassis frame near trailer wiring provision
LH rear of chassis near trailer wiring provision
S100 (4.3L Engine)
Engine harness, 30 cm from VCM connector breakout
S101 (2.2L Engine)
Engine harness, 12 cm from the A/C refrigerant pressure sensor breakout
S101 (4.3L Engine)
Engine harness 6.5 cm from generator breakout
S102 (2.2L Engine)
Engine harness, 19 cm from injector harness breakout
S102 (4.3L engine)
Engine harness, 8 cm left of generator breakout, 4.3L engine
S103 (2.2L Engine)
Engine harness, 20 cm from A/C Compressor Clutch connector
S103 (4.3L Engine)
Engine harness, 7.3 cm from the A/C compressor and high pressure cut out switch breakout
S104 (2.2L Engine)
Engine harness, 20 cm from A/C Compressor Clutch connector
S104 (4.3L Engine)
in engine harness 7.3 cm from the breakout to the A/C Compressor and High Pressure Cut Out Switch
S105 (2.2L Engine)
Engine harness, 12 cm left of A/C Refrigerant Pressure Sensor breakout
S103 (4.3L Engine)
Engine harness, 7.3 cm from C111 breakout
S106 (2.2L Engine)
Engine harness, 8 cm from breakout to Connector C102 and oxygen sensor
S106 (4.3L Engine)
Engine harness, 4 cm from generator breakout and toward the C104 connector
S107 (2.2L Engine)
Engine harness, 13 cm from dash harness breakout
S107 (4.3L Engine)
Engine harness, 4 cm from C104 breakout and toward the generator breakout
S108 (4.3L Engine)
Engine harness, 13 cm from C102, C104 breakout and toward the connectors
S109 (2.2L Engine)
Engine harness, 6 cm from breakout to starter and compressor relays
S109 (4.3L Engine)
Engine harness, 7 cm to the right of C102, C103, and C104 breakout
Engine harness, 16 cm from power distribution block ring terminal
S111 (4.3L Engine A/T)
In engine harness 13 cm from Vehicle Speed Sensor connector
S112 (4.3L Engine)
Engine harness, 38 cm left of C103 breakout, LH side of engine
Engine harness, 16 cm from generator ring terininal
Front of dash harness, 16 cm from the No.3 battery junction block ring terminal
Front of dash harness, 16 cm from the No.2 battery junction block ring terminal
Front of dash harness, 16 cm from the No.1 battery junction block ring terminal
I/P Extension Harness, 40 cm from breakout blower motor resistor
Battery Harness, 18 cm from positive battery terminal
Forward lamp harness, 7 cm right of LH headlamp breakout
Forward lamp harness, 4 cm right of front windshield washer pump breakout
Forward lamp harness, 6 cm right of LH headlamp breakout
Forward lamp harness, 6 cm left of LH headlamp breakout
Forward lamp harness, 13 cm right of LH headlamp breakout
Forward lamp harness, 7 cm left of RH headlamp breakout
Forward lamp harness, 7 cm left of G110 breakout S127 Forward lamp hamess, 16 cm from C115
LN2 fuel injector harness, 3 cm from fuel injector No. 3 breakout toward C111
Front of dash harness, 16 cm from the No.4 battery junction block ring terminal
Engine harness, 16 cm from generator ring terminal
Forward lamp harness, 5 cm left of LH born breakout
(2.2L Engine) Engine harness, 17 cm from C175 breakout
(4.3L Engine) Engine harness, 15 cm from C116 connector
I/P harness, 20 cm from fuse block
I/P harness, 4 cm from instrument cluster breakout
I/P harness, 6 cm into headlamp switch breakout
I/P harness, 5 cm right of instrument panel breakout
I/P harness, 11 cm to right of the Instrument Cluster breakout
I/P harness, 18 cm right of instrument cluster breakout
I/P harness, 25 cm right of instrument cluster breakout
I/P harness, 31 cm right of instrument cluster breakout
I/P harness, 35 cm to the right of the instrument Cluster breakout
I/P harness, 39 cm right of instrument cluster breakout
I/P harness, 43 cm right of instrument cluster breakout
I/P harness, 47 cm to right of be instrument Cluster breakout
I/P harness, 7 cm into the radio breakout
I/P harness, 4 cm left of cigarette lighter breakout
I/P harness, 4 cm right of cigarefle lighter breakout
I/P Harness, 6 cm into the breakout to the Heater and A/C Controller
I/P harness, 39 cm right of instrument cluster breakout
I/P harness, 5 cm left of relay center breakout
S219 (2.2L Engine)
I/P harness, 8 cm right of relay center breakout
S219 (4.3L Engine)
I/P harness, 13 cm into the relay center breakout
I/P harness, 6 cm into relay center breakout
I/P harness, 5 cm right of relay center breakout
I/P harness, 4 cm into the power distribution breakout
I/P harness, 7 cm right of relay center breakout
I/P harness, 7 cm right of relay center breakout
Front of dash harness, 4 cm into body harness breakout
Front of Dash, 8 cm into the data link connector breakout
Front of dash harness, 15 cm right of P100
Front of dash harness, 17 cm right of P100
Front of dash harness, 25 cm right of P100
Front of dash harness, 4 cm into clutch pedal position switch breakout
Front of dash harness, 8 cm into the clutch pedal position and cruise control shutoff switch
Front of dash harness, 27 cm right of P100
Front of dash harness, 29 cm right of P100
Front of dash harness, 35 cm right of P100
Front of dash harness, 8 cm left of steering column breakout
Front of dash harness, 4 cm left of steering column breakout
S238 (2.2L Engine)
Front of dash harness, 11 cm into TCC Brake and Cruise Control Release Switch breakout
S238 (4.3L Engine)
Front of dash harness, 11 cm into TCC Brake and Cruise Control Release Switch breakout
Front of dash harness, 18 cm from TCC Brake and Cruise Control Release Switch
Front of dash harness, 4 cm into steering column breakout
In front-of-dash harness 6 cm to the right of the steering column breakout
Front of dash harness, 13 cm right of steering column breakout
Front of dash harness, 26 cm right of steering column breakout
Front of dash harness, 28 cm right of steering columrt breakout
Front of dash harness, 15 cm right of crossbody harness breakout
Crossbody harness, 32 cm left of door lock relay breakout
Crossbody harness, 18 cm right of LH door connectors
Front of dash harness, 1 cm right of outside air valve actuator breakout
Crossbody harness, 8 cm left of speaker extension harness breakout
Crossbody harness, 4 cm left of speaker extension harness breakout
Front of dash harness, 3 cm from the Supplemental Restraint diagnostic energy reserve module
Crossbody harness, 13 cm right of speaker extension harness breakout
Crossbody harness, 19 cm right of C200 breakout
Crossbody harness, 13 cm right of C200 breakout
Dome lamps harness, 5 cm into sunshade mirror breakout
Dome lamps harness, 71 cm rear of sunshade mirror breakout
Dome larnps harness, 23 cm right of LH sunshade mirror
S279 (2.2L Engine)
Front of dash harness, 17 cm right of P100
Crossbody harness, 13 cm right of speaker extension harness breakout
S298 (2.2L Engine)
I/P Harness, 6 cm into the breakout to the Heater and A/C Controller
S298 (4.3L Engine)
I/P harness, 21 cm from C202 ( inline to I/P extension harness) connector
I/P harness, 6 cm right of C200 breakout
S300 (4.3L Engine)
Dome larnps harness, 71 cm rear of sunshade mirror breakout
S301 (4.3L Engine)
Oxygen sensor harness, 24 cm before the pre-converter oxygen sensor
Dome Harness, 5 cm from the breakout to the Inside Rear View Mirror, on the branch to the Inside Rear View Mirror
Dome Harness, 11 cm from the breakout to the Inside Rear View Mirror, on the branch to the Inside Rear View Mirror
Oxygen sensor jumper, 10 cm rear of C126 breakout
Oxygen sensor jumper, 16 cm forward of C 127 breakout
Chassis harness, 10 cm rear of fuel tank breakout
Chassis harness, 20 cm rear of evaporative emissions canister vent valve breakout
Chassis harness, 22 cm forward of taillamp harness breakout
Chassis harness, 15 cm forward of taillamp harness breakout
Chassis harness, 8 cm forward of taillamp harness breakout
Chassis harness, 8 cm from taillamp harness breakout
Rear lamps harness, 10 cm from body breakout harness
Rear lamps harness, 37 cm from the LH taillamp breakout
Rear lamps harness
LH front door harness, 13 cm from crossbody harness connectors
LH front door harness, 17 cm from crossbody harness connector
LH front door harness, 11 cm from crossbody harness connector
RH front door harness, 13 cm from crossbody harness connector
RH front door harness, 4 cm from outside rearview mirror breakout
RH front door harness, 11 cm from outside rearview mirror breakout