Service Procedure
1. Lift vehicle on a hoist.2. Loosen the hose clip of the EVAP hose and disconnect the hose from the EVAP purge pipe (mounted to side of frame). (Figure 3)
^ A razor blade may be used to slice the hose near the purge pipe on the frame side for easier removal.
^ Do not scratch or damage the purge pipe and rail clip.
3. Remove and discard the hose clip from the disconnected hose.
4. Using the 20 mm section of supplied clearance template, mark the exposed EVAP hose at a point 20 mm from the end of the hose cover (protects EVAP and Fuel Hoses). (Figure 4)
5. Cut the hose squarely (not angled) at the marked point. (Figure 5)
^ Do not scratch or damage the adjacent fuel hoses.
6. Install the Campaign EVAP Pipe and Hose assembly with the following: (Figure 6 and 7)
During the installation of the Campaign EVAP Pipe and Hose assembly, do not twist the installed pipe from the hose of the assembly.
a. Apply soap solution on the pipe nipple and inner cut-end of EVAP hose to facilitate installation.
Do not use oil.
b. Place a new supplied hose clip through the purge pipe (on the frame side).
c. Install the hose-end of the "pipe and hose assembly" to the purge pipe. (Hold the pipe to prevent damage.)
d. Twist the end of hose at the purge pipe of the vehicle to adjust the relative positioning of the "pipe and hose assembly" so that the pipe-end of the assembly is between the O2 Sensor and the Exhaust pipe. Align the hose to O2 Sensor. (Figure 6)
e. Place the second new supplied hose clip through the pipe-end of the "pipe and hose assembly".
f. Insert to install the pipe-end of the "pipe and hose assembly" into the cut-end of vehicle EVAP hose. Use soap solution to facilitate installation.
Do not use oil. Be sure to insert the pipe end just enough to cover the white marking on the pipe.
7. Use the 16 mm section of the supplied clearance template to check the clearances between the following parts:
^ The EVAP hose and exhaust pipe (closest portion with/or without heat shielding) shall maintain a minimum clearance of 16 mm (Figure 8)
^ The EVAP hose and O2 Sensor shall maintain a minimum clearance of 16 mm (Figure 9)
^ The EVAP pipe and O2 Sensor shall maintain a minimum clearance of 16 mm (Figure 10)
If the necessary clearance is not achieved adjust it by twisting the insert portion of the pipe and the cut-end of the vehicle EVAP hose.
8. Position and install the (2) hose clips to the hose/pipe connections at the ends of the "pipe and hose assembly." (Refer to Figures 6 and 7)
Tabs on the new band clamp for the pipe end of the "pipe and hose assembly" should face away from the exhaust pipe. (Refer to Figure 10)
9. Lower the vehicle from hoist.
10. Fill out and affix a campaign completion label.