Unit Overhaul Part 2
38. Overdrive clutch end play measurement.
1. Fit J-25022 and J-24773-1 turbine shaft puller on turbine shaft.
2. Position axial play checking tool on converter housing mating face.
3. Pull turbine shaft upwards with puller until first resistance is met. (due to weight of overdrive assembly).
4. Maintain shaft in this position and set indicator to zero.
5. Pull turbine shaft further upwards with puller. Read end play shown on indicator.
Endplay: 0.11 mm - 0.8 mm (0.004 inch - 0.031 inch)
6. Remove axial play checking tool and puller.
NOTE: If end play is not correct, repeat selective washer selection.
39. Inspect extension housing oil seal and replace if necessary, using J-36797 extension housing oil seal installer.
- Rotate transmission to horizontal position, with valve body side down.
- Inspect parking wheel seal ring. Replace if necessary.
- Install wheel parking lock assembly (35).
40. Install speed wheel (36) and snap ring (37).
NOTE: Use extra long, needle-nose pliers.
41. Install gasket onto extension assembly with a thin coating of oil.
- Install extension housing assembly (38), and align parking pawl shaft.
- Install actuator assembly into extension assembly.
- Install seven 8 mm hexagon socket head screws.
Torque: 32 Nm (24 ft. lbs.)
42. Inspect speed sensor O-ring. Replace if necessary.
- Install speed sensor assembly (39) and 10 mm screw.
Torque: 9 Nm (78 inch lbs.)
43. Main case end play measurement.
1. Attach axial play checking tool on the extension housing and set indicator to zero on output shaft.
2. Manually push output shaft upwards.
Endplay: 0.36 mm - 0.80 mm (0.014 inches - 0.031 inches)
3. Remove axial play checking tool.
4. If end play is not correct, repeat selective washer selection.
44. Inspect servo piston seal ring. Replace if necessary.
- Ensure brake band is correctly positioned. Rotate output shaft if necessary.
- Install J-38428 servo piston fitter in servo bore.
- Install apply rod (40), round end toward band, return spring (41) and piston assembly (42).
45. Install the J-23075 servo spring compressor with offset to rear of case.
- Compress servo piston seal ring, using fitter while tightening the tool screw.
- Install servo piston retaining ring (43).
- Remove tool.
- Adjust the brake band by tightening the servo adjusting screw to 4.5 Nm torque. Be certain the lock nut is loose, then back-off the screw five turns exactly. Hold piston sleeve with wrench and tighten lock nut to 18.5 Nm torque. Be certain the adjusting screw does not turn.
46. Install two check balls (44).
47. Inspect main case electrical connector and seal, replace if necessary.
- Install electrical 4 pin connector/main case and wiring harness.
48. Install two J-25025-B guide pins into main case.
- Install main case valve body complete assembly (45) and manual valve link.
NOTE: Valve must be extended as the short end of manual valve link is connected to the range selector lever. Long end of link goes into valve.
- Install seven 13 mm screws.
Torque: 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.)
- Pass ground wire of adapter case wiring harness assembly through the hole joining adapter fluid area and main case fluid area.
- Assemble 8.5 mm connector of ground wire under the head of this valve body bolt and reinstall it.
- Remove two guide pins.
49. Install servo cover gasket, cover (46) and four 13 mm screws.
Torque: 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
50. Connect wiring harness (47) to band control, shift solenoids, and main case 4 pin connector.
51. Install manual detent roller and spring assembly (48) with clip.
- Install two 13 mm screws.
Torque: 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.)
52. Install oil filter (49), and three 13 mm screws.
Torque: 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.)
53. Install oil pan gasket, magnet, main oil pan (50), and sixteen 10 mm screws.
Torque: 11 Nm (96 inch lbs.)
54. Inspect adapter case electrical connector and seal. Replace if necessary.
- Install electrical five pin connector and harness assembly (52) in bottom of adapter case.
55. Install gasket, transfer plate, and gasket.
- Install adapter case valve body (51) and seven 13 mm screws.
Torque: 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.)
1G56. Connect wiring harness assembly (52) to converter clutch solenoid, force motor, and 5 pin connector.
57. Install oil pan gasket, adapter case oil pan (53), and twelve 10 mm screws.
Torque: 11 Nm (96 inch lbs.)
- Rotate transmission, with bottom pan facing down.
58. Install mode switch (54), two 10 mm screws, selector lever nut, and cover.
10 mm screw
Torque: 13 Nm (113 inch lbs.)
Torque: 23 Nm (17 ft. lbs.)
- Adjust using setting tool, refer to Mode Switch.
59. Install O-ring (55) on turbine shaft.
60. Install torque converter (56)
The converter assembly must be replaced under any of the following conditions:
a. Evidence of damage to the pump assembly.
b. Metal particles are found after flushing the cooler lines.
c. External leaks in hub weld area.
d. Converter pilot broken, damaged, or poor fit into crankshaft.
e. Converter hub scored or damaged.
f. Internal failure in stator.
g. Contamination from engine coolant.
h. Excess end play.
- Rotate transmission, bell housing up. Spin converter to insure proper fit.
61. Fill transmission through the overfill screw hole of oil pan, using DEXRON (R) III Automatic transmission fluid.
1. Remove oil pump assembly from converter housing.
2. Remove outer seal ring.
3. Remove gasket.
4. Remove wear plate.
5. Remove oil seal ring.
Inspection And Repair
Visual Check:
If any damage, deformation, or local wear is found in a converter housing, outer seal ring, wear plate, or oil seal ring, replace it.
1. Install wear plate onto oil pump assembly.
2. Install converter housing onto complete oil pump assembly. Align with two short J-38588 guide pins on outer bolt holes.
- Loosely install five 13mm bolts.
- Center converter housing using J-38557 centering tool.
- Tighten five inner 13mm bolts in an alternating pattern.
Torque: 20 Nm (15 ft. lbs.)
3. Install oil seal ring (3 screws).
Torque: 3 Nm (26 inch lbs.)
4. Install gasket.
5. Install outer seal ring.
1. Remove oil pump drive gear (1) and driven gear (2).
2. Remove pin (3) from oil pump assembly (18).
3. Remove plug (4), spring (5), and converter clutch control valve (6).
4. Remove snap ring (7) from oil pump assembly (18).
5. Remove spring seat (8), spring (9), and throttle signal accumulator piston (10).
6. Remove sleeve pin (11) from oil pump assembly (18).
7. Remove sleeve (12), boost valve (13), spring seat (14), valve spring (15), spring seat (16), and pressure regulator valve (17).
Inspection And Repair
Visual Check:
If any damage, deformation or wear is found, replace the damaged part.
1. Lubricate and preinstall pressure regulator spring seat (16) on valve (17), with the flat side against shoulder.
2. Install pressure regulator valve (17) and spring seat (16) assembly, valve spring (15), and spring seat (14) with the flat side away from spring to oil pump assembly (18).
3. Assemble boost valve (13) into sleeve (12).
4. Install boost valve and sleeve assembly, and sleeve pin (11) to oil pump assembly (18).
5. Install throttle signal accumulator piston (10), spring (9), and spring seat (8), with the flat side away from the spring, and snap ring (7) to oil pump assembly (18).
6. Install converter clutch control valve (6), spring (5), plug (4), and pin (3) to oil pump assembly (18).
7. Install oil pump driven gear (2) and drive gear (1).
1. Remove two 11 mm bolts from valve body (28), then remove gaskets and transfer plate (1).
2. Remove manual valve (2).
3. Push in band control solenoid (3) to compress waved washer (5), and remove pin (4).
4. Remove band control solenoid (3) and waved washer (5).
5. Remove spring pin (6) with a 3 mm diameter punch.
6. Remove solenoid A (7) by grasping the metal tip. Do not grasp the connector housing.
7. Remove retainer (8), 1-2/3-4 shift valve (9), and spring (10).
8. Remove spring pin (11) with a 3 mm diameter punch.
9. Remove solenoid B (12) by grasping the metal tip. Do not grasp the connector housing.
10. Remove retainer (13), 2-3 shift valve (14), and spring (15).
11. Remove spring pin (16), plug (17), spring (18), and low pressure control valve (19).
12. Remove spring pin (20), plug (21), and band control screen assembly (22).
13. Remove spring pin (23), plug (24), 1-2 accumulator valve (25), and 1-2 accumulator control valve (26).
14. Remove check ball (27) from valve body (28).
Inspection And Repair
Inspect for the following, and replace any damaged or worn parts:
1. Damage or wear to each valve.
2. Damage in oil passages.
3. Cracks or damage to valve body.
4. Valve operations.
5. Spring fatigue.