MAINSHAFT (B.W.T5R)Disassembled View
1. 3rd-4th synchronizer assembly, blocking ring and 3rd gear.
- Scribe an alignment mark on both the 3-4 synchronizer hub and sleeve. Use these marks for correct reassembly.
- Using a hydraulic press and the bearing and gear puller plate J-22912-01, remove the 3-4 synchronizer assembly (1), block ring (1) and the 3rd gear (1).
2. Remove needle bearing (2) and spacer (2).
3. Second gear snap ring (3), using a pair of snap ring pliers.
4. Remove thrust washer (4).
5. Remove 2nd gear (5), bearing (5) and spacer (5).
6. Remove spiral retaining ring, using a pocket screwdriver.
7. Remove thrust washer (7) and 2nd blocking ring assembly (7) (inner cone, outer cone race & 2nd blocking ring).
8. Scribe an alignment mark on both the shaft and hub (14) and reverse sliding gear (8). Use these marks for correct reassembly.
Remove the reverse sliding gear (8) from shaft and along with these parts:
The three keys
One of the two springs.
NOTE: Do not attempt to remove the 1-2 synchronizer hub from the mainshaft.
The hub and shaft are permanently assembled and machined as a matched set.
9. Remove the 5th driven gear snap ring (9) from the rear of mainshaft, using a pair of snap ring pliers. Using a hydraulic press and the bearing and gear puller plate J-22912-01, remove the fifth driven gear (9) from the mainshaft.
10. Remove the mainshaft rear bearing (10) from the shaft.
11. Remove 1st gear (11).
12. Remove 1st gear bearing (12) and sleeve (12).
13. Remove the three-piece first blocking ring assembly (13). Also remove the remaining synchronizer spring from mainshaft (with 1-2 hub) (14).
1. Assemble the three synchronizers. Make sure that the hubs and sleeves are matched and that the inserts are installed properly. Attach the hooked ends of the springs to the same inserts and install them in opposite directions. Also align blocking rings with inserts during installation steps.
NOTE: Soak the paper-lined blocking rings in DEXRON III before installing them.
2. Install the three-piece blocking ring assembly (13) for 1st speed.
3. Install 1st bearing sleeve (12) and bearing (12).
4. Install 1st gear (11). Make sure blocking rings align with inserts.
5. Install mainshaft rear bearing (10).
6. Using a hydraulic press and the installer J-25234, install the 5th driven gear (9) on the mainshaft. Support the mainshaft with the mainshaft support J-5590. While the mainshaft is still on the press bed, install the snap ring (9) for the fifth driven gear. If it does not fit, continue pressing the 5th driven gear until it is fully seated.
7. Install the three-piece 2nd blocking ring assembly (7) for 2nd speed. Install the thrust washer (7) for the blocking ring inner cone.
8. Install spiral retaining ring (6) by using spiral snap ring installer J-37360.
9. Install 2nd speed gear spacer (5), bearing (5) and 2nd gear (5).
10. Install thrust washer (4) and snap ring (3).
11. Install 3rd gear spacer (2) and needle bearing (2).
12. Install the 3rd gear (1) and the 3rd speed blocking ring (1).
13. Install the 3-4 synchronizer assembly (1). Use a hydraulic press and synchronizer & gear installer J-37372 to press the hub onto the mainshaft. Be sure to align the blocking ring with the synchronizer inserts while installing the hub.
Disassembled View
If you have not done so previously, remove these parts from the input shaft:
- Mainshaft thrust race (6), thrust needle bearing (5) and spacer (4)
- Mainshaft needle bearing rollers (3) (there are 15 rollers)
1. Using a hydraulic press and bearing and gear puller J-22912-01, remove the input shaft bearing (1) from input shaft (2).
1. Use a hydraulic press, installer J-6133-1 and bearing and gear puller J-22912-01 to install the input shaft bearing (1) onto the input shaft (1).
2. Using petroleum jelly, install the 15 rollers (3) and spacer (4) into the rear of the input shaft (2). Also install the mainshaft thrust bearing (5) and its race (6) in the rear of the input shaft (2).
Disassembled View
If you have not done so previously, remove these parts from the input bearing retainer (1):
- Bearing outer race (4)
- Shim (s) (3)
1. Remove the input shaft seal (2), using Input seal remover J-29369-2 and slide hammer J-23907.
1. Install the input shaft seal (2) in the retainer (1), using the installer J-37375 and a soft-faced hammer.
2. Install the input bearing outer race (4) in the retainer (1) without the shim (3) behind it.
Disassembled View
1. Using a hydraulic press and bearing race receiver and case support J-37358, remove the counter shaft front bearing outer race (1). Remove the O-ring (1).
2. Remove the counter shaft front bearing (2) from the counter shaft (3). Use a hydraulic press, counter shaft front bearing remover J-37359 and bearing and gear puller J-22912-01.
1. Install the counter shaft front bearing (2) onto the counter shaft (3), using a hydraulic press, installer J-37357 and bearing and gear puller J-22912-01.
2. Install a new O-ring (1) on the counter shaft outer race (1) and lubricate it.
3. Using installer and driver handle, lightly tap the outer race (1) into its bore until the O-ring is compressed.
4. Using a hydraulic press, installer J-37357 and driver handle J-8092, install the outer race (1) until its shoulder rests on the inside of the case.
Disassembled View
1. Remove the vent (1) from the extension housing (4).
2. Remove the slip yoke seal (2) from the rear of the extension housing (4), using remover J-26941and slide hammer J-23907.
3. Remove the slip yoke bushing (3) from the rear of the extension housing (4), using remover J-23062-14 and driver handle J-8092.
1. Install the slip yoke bushing (3) into the rear of the extension housing (4), using installer J-23062-14 (with J-8092 driver handle) and a hammer.
2. Install the slip yoke seal (2) into the rear of the extension housing (4), using installer J-38763 and a soft-faced hammer.
3. Install the vent (1) into the extension housing.
Disassembled View
1. Remove the selector arm roll pin (1), using a 3/16-inch diameter pin punch and hammer.
2. Remove the shift shaft (2) from the other parts. Note the correct position of both the interlock plate (6) and selector arm (5) before you remove them from the cover (10).
3. Remove 3-4 shift fork and fork pads two(3).
4. Remove selector plate two(4), selector arm (5), and interlock plate (6).
5. Remove 1-2 shift fork and fork pads two(7).
6. Remove shift shaft bore plug (8) and O-ring seal (9) from shift cover (10).
1. If the shift shaft bore plug (8) was removed, coat plug outer surface with sealer and install the plug (8) into the cover (10) until it is flush.
2. Install the fork pads (7) and selector plate (4) onto the 1-2 shift fork (7).
3. Push the shift shaft (2) into the cover (10) until front of the shaft is at the cover's rear inside edge.
4. Place the 1-2 shift fork (7) into the cover (10) with its selector plate (4) facing the front of the cover.
5. Push the shift shaft through the 1-2 shift fork.
6. Place the selector arm (5) and interlock plate (6) in the cover (10). Note the position of the interlock plate (6) and selector arm (5).
7. Push the shift shaft through the selector arm (5).
8. Install the fork pads (3) and selector plate (4) onto the 3-4 shift fork (3).
9. Place the 3-4 shift fork (3) in the cover (10) with its selector plate (4) facing the rear of the cover. Note the position of the 3-4 and 1-2 selector plates (4).
10. Push the shift shaft (2) through the 3-4 shift fork (3) and into the front of the cover (10).
11. Install the roll pin (1) that holds the selector arm (5) to the shift shaft (2).
12. Lubricate and install the O-ring (9) on the rear of the shift cover (10).
Check the shift cover parts for proper assembly by doing the following:
- Insert a 3/16-inch diameter pin punch into the offset lever hole of the shift shaft (2).
- Hold the shift cover (10) parallel to the floor and rotate the shift shaft (2) so that the punch is vertical.
- Look at the selector arm: it should be aligned with the 3-4 shift fork select plate.
1. Separate the clutch release fork from its ball stud and remove the ball stud from the clutch housing.
2. Inspect these parts:
- Ball stud
- Fork
- Release bearing
- Fingers of the pressure plate spring.
Replace any parts which have excessive wear.
3. Check the alignment of the clutch housing to the engine in these steps:
- Place the magnetic base for a dial indicator on the pressure plate spring fingers. Make sure the base is secure.
- Check the housing bore alignment by:
- Mounting the dial indicator against the bore
- Rotating the engine one revolution while recording total dial indicator needle travel
- Check the housing face alignment by:
- Mounting the dial indicator against the housing face
- Rotating the engine one revolution while recording total dial indicator needle travel
If either reading is greater than 0.254 mm (0.010 inch), place special shims between the engine and clutch housing to correct the misalignment.
4. Check the condition of these clutch system parts if you suspect excessive wear:
- Pressure plate assembly
- Driven disc (especially the torsional damping springs)
- Flywheel
- Input shaft pilot bearing.
Replace any parts which have excessive wear.
5. Reassemble the clutch system parts. Be sure to lubricate the clutch release bearing bore and fork groove and also the head of the fork pivot.