Brake Bleeding: Description and Operation
Hydraulic Brake System BleedingNotice: Brake fluid will damage electrical connections and painted surfaces. Use shop cloths, suitable containers, and fender covers to prevent brake fluid from contacting these areas. Always re-seal and wipe off brake fluid containers to prevent spills.
If air has entered the hydraulic brake system, bleed the system. You may need to bleed the hydraulic brake system at all four wheels due to one of the following conditions:
- Air has entered the system due to a low fluid level.
- The brake pipes have been disconnected at the master cylinder.
- The brake pipes have been disconnected at the combination valve.
- The brake pipes have been disconnected at the Brake Pressure Modulator Valve (BPMV). If a pipe is disconnected at one wheel, then only bleed that wheel.
If the master cylinder has been removed, bench bleed the master cylinder before installing it on the vehicle in order to reduce the time required to bleed the system. Refer to Hydraulic System; Master Cylinder, Brakes; Service and Repair; Master Cylinder Bench Bleeding.
If the BPMV has been replaced or has air trapped in it, refer to Service and Repair; ABS.