Antilock Brakes / Traction Control Systems: Service Precautions
Service PrecautionsWhen working on this system. observe the following precautions:
- Before welding on the vehicle with an electric welding unit, complete the following steps:
- Turn the ignition switch OFF.
- Disconnect the EBCM connectors.
- Do not use a fast charger for starting the engine.
- Disconnect the negative battery cable when fast charging.
- Never disconnect the battery from the vehicle electrical system while the engine is running.
- Connect all wiring harness connectors securely.
- Proper speed sensor wiring, routing and retaining are necessary in order to prevent false signals due to electrical noise. You can achieve proper system operation only by restoring the system to its original condition.
When servicing the ABS, note the routing, position, mounting and locations of the following items:
- All components
- The wiring
- The connectors
- The clips
- The brackets
- The brake pipes
Follow the above mentioned precautions when working on ABS. Familiarize yourself with ABS and it relationships with other components on the vehicle.
Certain components in the Antilock Brake System (ABS) are not intended to be serviced individually. Attempting to remove or disconnect certain system components may result in personal injury and/or improper system operation. Only those components with approved removal and installation procedures should be serviced.