Cylinder Head Removal and Installation
REMOVAL1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Disconnect connector of intake air temperature sensor from intake air duct.
3. Remove PCV hose from air intake duct.
4. Remove nut from air intake duct bracket and loosen hose clamp on throttle body. Remove air intake duct assembly with air cleaner cover.
5. Remove intake air duct bracket from cylinder head.
6. Drain engine coolant.
7. Move drive belt tensioner to loose side using wrench then remove drive belt.
8. Remove radiator upper hose from engine side.
9. Remove four nuts of exhaust front pipe.
10. Remove three bolts from generator bracket then remove the generator with brackets.
11. Disconnect crankshaft angle sensor connector.
12. Disconnect knock sensor connector.
13. Remove heater hose from adapter side.
14. Remove heater hose from water pipe side.
15. Remove water hose between water pipe and throttle body.
16. Remove fuel pipe joint eye bolts from fuel rail assembly and remove fuel pipe bracket with electric ground cable.
17. Disconnect connector for evaporation valve.
18. Remove canister hose.
19. Remove fixing nut of intake manifold stay from cylinder block side.
20. Remove two bolts from intake manifold for water pipe support and remove cylinder head assembly.
21. Remove engine harness cover and disconnect three connectors from chassis harness on left rear side engine compartment.
22. Disconnect connector for power steering pump pressure switch.
23. Remove four bolts and remove crankshaft pulley.
24. Remove two bolts and nut then remove timing belt front cover.
25. Remove ventilation hose from cylinder block side and from cylinder head side.
26. Remove two bolts, ignition cable cover and remove ignition cables from spark plug.
27. Disconnect camshaft angle sensor connector.
28. Remove ten bolts and remove cylinder head cover.
29. Remove fixing bolt of timing belt tensioner then remove timing belt tensioner.
30. Remove timing belt.
- Do not bend or twist belt, otherwise its core could be damaged. The belt should not be bent at a radius less than 30 mm.
- Timing belt drive gear counterhold with J-42620.
- Do not allow oil or other chemical substances to come in contact with the belt. They will shorten the life.
- Do not attempt to pry or stretch the belt with a screw driver or any other tool during installation.
- Store timing belt in cool and dark place. Never expose the belt direct sunlight or heat.
31. Remove two idle pulleys, the left side with idle pulley bracket.
32. Remove two bolts and stud bolt and remove timing belt rear cover.
33. Remove camshaft angle sensor
34. Disconnect engine oil pressure switch connector.
35. Remove camshaft assembly exhaust side.
36. Use J-42623 to remove ten cylinder head fixing bolts
1. Put cylinder head gasket on the cylinder block.
Torque Sequence:
2. Install the cylinder head assembly, tighten cylinder head bolts by four steps tightening method in the following sequence to the specified torque.
Torque: 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.) + 90° + 90° + 90°
3. Install camshaft assembly exhaust side and tighten camshaft bracket bolts in the sequence to the specified torque.
Torque: 8 Nm (5.9 ft. lbs.)
4. Connect engine oil pressure switch connector.
5. Install camshaft angle sensor.
Rear Cover Bolts:
6. Install the timing belt rear cover and tighten three bolts to the specified torque.
M6 bolt: 6 Nm (4.4 ft. lbs.)
M8 bolt: 8 Nm (5.8 ft. lbs.)
7. Install left side idle pulley with idle pulley bracket, tighten to the specified torque and install right side idle pulley and tighten to the specified torque.
Torque: 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
8. Install timing belt tensioner then tighten it temporarily until make alignment timing belt.
9. Install the cylinder head cover and tighten fixing bolt temporally.
10. Install the timing belt and perform timing belt setting procedure as follows.
1. Bring the engine top dead center No.1 cylinder compression stroke by rotating the engine in the direction of normal operation.
The engine is in this position when the notches on the camshaft pulleys align with the marks on the cylinder head cover(1), Check the crankshaft pulley timing mark is aligned (2) also check for water pump positioning ensure tabs are aligned (3).
- Rotate the engine two full turns in the direction of normal operation until the engine is again at top dead centre, No.1 cylinder firing being careful that all movement is in a clockwise direction.
- If the engine is turned too far, do not turn backwards, but continue to turn in the same direction until the marks are again in line.
2. Place J-43037 to between intake and exhaust of camshaft drive gear to prevent camshaft drive gear movement during timing belt setting.
3. Set the timing belt shown in the illustration, ensure that tension side of the timing belt is taut and move the timing belt tension adjustment lever clockwise, until the pointer of the tensioner is flowing.
For used timing belt(over 60 minutes from new): the pointer will be approximately 4 mm (O.16 inch) to the left of the center of the "V" notch when viewed from the front of the engine.
For new timing belt: The pointer must be at the center of "V" notch when viewed from the front of the engine.
4. Tighten fixing bolt of timing belt tensioner to the specified torque.
Torque: 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
11. Tighten cylinder head cover to the specified torque.
Torque: 8 Nm (5.9 ft. lbs.)
12. Connect camshaft angle sensor connector.
13. Install the ignition cable to spark plug.
14. Install ignition cable cover and tighten two bolts.
Torque: 3 Nm (2 ft. lbs.)
15. Install ventilation hoses to cylinder block side and cylinder head side.
16. Install timing belt front cover and tighten two bolts to the specified torque.
Torque: 6 Nm (4.4 ft. lbs.)
17. Install crankshaft pulley and tighten four bolts.
Torque: 20 Nm (14 ft. lbs.)
18. Connect connector for power steering pump pressure switch.
19. Connect engine harness connector to chassis harness of the left rear of engine compartment and install engine harness cover.
20. Install two bolts to intake manifold for water pipe support.
21. Install fixing nut of intake manifold stay to cylinder block.
22. Install canister hose.
23. Connect connector for evaporation valve.
24. Install fuel pipe joint eye bolts to fuel rail assembly and install fuel pipe bracket with electric ground cable.
25. Install water hose between water pipe and throttle body.
26. Install heater hose to water pipe side.
27. Install heater hose to adapter side.
28. Connect knock sensor connector.
29. Connect crankshaft angle sensor connector.
30. Install generator with bracket and tighten three bolts.
35 Nm (25 ft. lbs.) for Long bolt
20 Nm (14 ft. lbs.) far Short bolt
31. Install exhaust front pipe to exhaust manifold and tighten four nuts to the specified torque.
Torque: 25 Nm (18 ft. lbs.)
32. Install radiator upper hose to engine.
33. Move drive belt tensioner to loose side using wrench then install the drive belt to normal position.
34. Install intake air duct bracket to cylinder head.
35. Install air intake duct assembly with air cleaner cover to throttle body and tighten nut to the air intake duct bracket then tighten hose clamp.
7 Nm (5.1 ft. lbs.) for nut
3 Nm (2.2 ft. lbs.) for hose clamp bolt
36. Install PCV hose to air intake duct.
37. Connect connector of intake air temperature sensor on intake air duct.
38. Connect battery ground cable.
39. Fill engine coolant to full level in the engine coolant reservoir tank.