Parking Brake System: Adjustments
1. Adjustment of parking brake assembly- Prior to lever stroke adjustment, adjust the rear brake shoe/rotor (drum) gap. Perform this procedure by loosening the adjusting nut of the equalizer.
a. Remove the adjusting hole plug (rubber) and turn the shoe adjusting screw downward using a small screwdriver so that the shoes will expand until they get into close contact with the rotor. (Turn down the adjusting screw notch by notch until the rotor does not turn.)
b. Turn the adjusting screw in the opposite direction (upward) until the rotor can be turned lightly. Standard number of notches to turn upward: 7 or 8. Turn the rotor in order to ensure that there is no brake dragging.
2. Adjustment of parking brake cable
a. Turn the equalizer nut so that the parking brake lever travels 6 or 7 notches when pulled up with a force of 30 kg (66 lbs.).
b. Make sure that there is no brake dragging and tighten the cable lock nut.
Torque: 6 Nm (52 inch lbs.)
3. Break-in of parking brake shoe
- When poor braking is felt, or just after replacement of parking brake shoes, be sure to conduct the break-in procedure by driving the vehicle as follows:
a. Forward 50 km/h (30 mph) x 400 m (about 30 seconds) with a lever pull force of 15 kg (33 lbs.).
b. Backward 10 km/h (6 mph) x 50 m (about 18 seconds) with a lever pull force of 15 kg (33 lbs.).
NOTE: Break-in procedures must be performed under safe conditions and traffic rules.
- If the braking effect remains poor after the break-in, wait for some time until parking brake shoe cools down and repeat procedures a. and b. noted above.
- On completion of break-in, inspect the parking brake lever stroke, and if the lever does not come within the specified number of notches when pulled up, readjust.
- Excessive break-in may cause premature wear of the parking brake lining.