Camshaft Bearing Installation
^ Tools Required- J33049 Camshaft Bearing Remover/Installer Set
1. Install the camshaft bearings.
1. Select the proper front camshaft bearing.
2. Select the proper intermediate camshaft bearings.
3. Select the proper rear camshaft bearing.
4. Choose the proper pilot.
5. Choose the proper nut.
6. Choose the proper thrust washer.
7. Assemble the J33049.
8. Install the camshaft bearing onto the J33049.
9. Align the oil hole in the camshaft bearing with the oil hole in the cylinder block.
Notice: The oil holes on the camshaft bearings must be aligned with the oil holes in the cylinder block. This will ensure that the oil flow will not be restricted.
10. Pull the camshaft bearing into place.
2. Inspect the alignment of the camshaft bearing oil holes and the cylinder block oil holes. Probe the camshaft bearing oil holes in order to verify that the camshaft bearing oil holes are properly aligned.