Tailgate: Service and Repair
Removal Procedure1. Perform the following steps in order to disconnect the right and left pickup box endgate cables from the endgate striker bolts:
1. Open the endgate.
2. Safely support the endgate.
3. Disconnect the slotted hole at the end of the cable from the endgate striker bolt.
2. Remove the endgate from the vehicle:
1. Raise the endgate to a 45 degree angle. Do not pinch the cable between the endgate and the pickup box.
2. Lift the endgate from the left side hinge.
3. Lift the endgate from the right side hinge.
Installation Procedure
1. Perform the following steps in order to install the endgate to the vehicle:
1. Install the endgate to the right side hinge.
2. Hold the endgate at a 45 degree angle in order to seat the endgate to the left side hinge.
2. Connect the right pickup endgate cable to the endgate striker bolts.
3. Connect the left pickup endgate cable to the endgate striker bolts.