Back Window Glass: Service and Repair
Window Replacement - Endgate
Removal Procedure
1. Lower the endgate window approximately halfway down.
2. Swing the endgate open.
3. Remove the endgate window outer sealing strip.
4. Remove the endgate trim panel.
5. Remove the inner reinforcement panel.
6. Disconnect the electrical connectors from the defogger grid on the window.
7. Remove the bolts (2) retaining the endgate window clips (1) to the regulator carrier plates.
8. Remove the window from the endgate.
Installation Procedure
1. Install the endgate window to the endgate. Ensure the window is engaged in the run channels.
2. Install the window clips (1) down onto the regulator carrier plates.
Notice: Refer to Fastener Notice in Service Precautions.
3. Install the bolts (2) retaining the window to the regulator carrier plates.
Tighten the window bolts to 12 N.m (106 lb in).
4. Connect the electrical connectors to the defogger grid on the endgate window.
5. Install the inner reinforcement panel.
6. Install the interior trim panel.
7. Install the endgate window outer sealing strip.