Engine: Service and Repair
1. Scribe a reference mark in the area of hinges and remove hood.
2. Remove battery cables, battery clamp and battery.
3. Remove under cover and drain coolant.
4. Disconnect radiator hoses, remove fan shroud and radiator.
5. Remove air connecting hose.
6. Disconnect heater hoses at thermostat housing and water inlet pipe.
7. Disconnect the Q.S.S.I. thermo switch, fast idle thermo switch, thermo unit wiring at the connector on the thermostat housing.
8. Disconnect alternator wiring and vacuum pump hose connections.
9. Remove vacuum hose from fast idle actuator.
10. Disconnect exhaust pipe from manifold and separate pipe from manifold, then remove nuts connecting exhaust front pipe to mounting bracket, separate pipe from bracket and remove front pipe.
11. Disconnect accelerator cable from injection pump lever.
12. Disconnect fuel cut solenoid valve switch at wire connector. Disconnect tachometer wire at connector.
13. Disconnect starter motor connections and oil pressure switch connections.
14. Disconnect fuel hoses at injection pump.
15. Disconnect sensing resistor wiring at connector.
16. Disconnect back-up light switch and top/third switch.
17. Remove clutch cable and return spring from transmission.
18. Remove speedometer cable from transmission.
19. Remove driveshaft.
20. Remove console, pry off gearshift dust boot. Remove gearshift.
21. Remove exhaust rear mounting bracket. Disconnect rear engine mount.
22. Using a suitable hoist, raise engine slightly.
23. Remove engine mount nuts and engine damper from the frame.
24. Remove engine and transmission as an assembly.
25. Reverse procedure to install.