Timing Belt: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
Fig. 14 Timing belt cover, belt & sprocket assembly.:
2. Remove drive and accessories as needed, then remove timing belt cover, Fig. 14.
Fig. 15 Aligning camshaft pulley:
3. Ensure mark on cam pulley is aligned with upper surface of cylinder head, and dowel pin on camshaft is positioned at the top, Fig. 15.
Fig. 16 Installing crankshaft pulley:
4. Ensure crankshaft pulley is aligned as shown in Fig. 16.
5. Remove tension pulley, water pump pulley, camshaft timing pulley and crankshaft timing pulley.
6. Inspect timing belt and replace if cracked or worn.
Fig. 17 Installing timing belt:
7. Set timing belt letter mark in the direction of engine rotation, Fig. 17.
8. Install timing belt in the following order: crankshaft timing pulley, camshaft timing pulley, water pump pulley and tension pulley. Ensure both gears are aligned correctly. There must be no slack in belt after installation. The teeth of belt and teeth of pulley must be in perfect alignment.
9. Loosen tension pulley bolt.
Fig. 14a Timing Belt Tensioner:
10. Install a suitable hex wrench into tension pulley hexagonal hole and hold pulley, Fig. 14a. while temporarily tightening the bolt.
11. Turn crankshaft two complete reverse revolutions and align crankshaft timing pulley groove with mark on oil pump.
12. Loosen tension pulley bolt and apply tension to belt, then insert hex wrench into tension pulley hexagonal hole. Hold pulley and torque bolt to 37 ft. lbs.
13. Move crankshaft back to about 50 degrees BTDC and back to TDC position. Ensure timing marks are aligned properly.
14. Using belt tension gauge J-35779, check belt tension. Belt tension should be 34-42 lbs.
15. Check valve clearance.