Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Remove cam cover.
3. Raise and support vehicle, then disconnect exhaust pipe from manifold.
4. Lower vehicle and drain cooling system.
5. Remove EGR pipe clamp bolt from bellhousing.
6. Disconnect heater hoses from intake manifold and from rear of cylinder head.
Intake And Exhaust Manifold Attachment:
7. Disconnect accelerator linkage, fuel lines, electrical wiring and vacuum hoses from engine.
Fig. 19 Aligning crankshaft timing pulley & front oil seal retainer:
Fig. 20 Aligning camshaft timing pulley & front plate:
8. Remove front timing belt cover.
9. Rotate crankshaft until number 4 cylinder is in firing position. Align crankshaft timing pulley and camshaft timing pulley. Figs. 19 & 20.
10. Remove distributor cap and mark rotor to housing relationship.
Fig. 14 Timing belt cover, belt & sprocket assembly.:
Refer to Fig. 14 for removal and installation of timing belt.
Cylinder Head And Related Parts:
11. Remove rocker assembly, camshaft, and cylinder head bolts.
12. Remove cylinder head, intake and exhaust manifolds from engine.
13. Clean and check block surface.
14. Install new head gasket.
15. Lubricate head bolt threads with light oil.
Fig. 10 Cylinder head tightening sequence:
16. Torque cylinder head bolts in sequence, Refer to engine tightening specifications for torque valves. Reverse disassembly procedure to reinstall components.