Engine: Service and Repair
1. Scribe reference marks in hood hinge area, then remove hood.
2. Disconnect battery cables.
3. Drain cooling system, then remove intake air duct.
4. Disconnect upper radiator hose.
5. Remove engine under cover.
6. On automatic transmission models, disconnect and cap transmission fluid cooler lines.
7. Carefully discharge refrigerant from A/C system.
8. Disconnect receiver to A/C line, then the compressor hose.
9. Remove condenser assembly and position aside.
10. Mark then disconnect all electrical connectors, vacuum hoses and fuel lines from engine.
11. Disconnect accelerator cable from mounting bracket.
12. Disconnect wire harness from fender skirt and cylinder head mounting clips.
13. On automatic transmission models, remove transmission selector lever pin.
14. Disconnect ignition coil wire.
15. Raise and support vehicle.
16. Disconnect cable and electrical wires from starter motor.
17. Disconnect engine to crossmember ground strap.
18. Remove right side engine mount nuts.
19. Disconnect and cap power steering lines from power steering pump, if equipped.
20. Disconnect propeller shaft from transmission. Cap transmission output shaft to prevent fluid leakage.
21. Disconnect speedometer cable from transmission.
22. On manual transmission models, remove clutch slave cylinder and position aside.
23. Remove catalytic converter mounting bracket and strap.
24. Disconnect front exhaust pipe from exhaust manifold.
25. Remove rear engine mount bracket bolts, then the bracket.
26. Install suitable engine lifting equipment onto engine.
27. Remove engine and transmission assembly from engine compartment.
28. Separate engine from transmission.
29. Reverse procedure to install.