Transmission Replace
1. Disconnect battery ground cable.
2. Disconnect detent cable from carburetor and remove dipstick.
3. Raise and support vehicle, then remove converter housing cover, starter and propeller shaft. Install plug on rear end of transmission to prevent oil leakage.
4. Remove exhaust pipe bracket and disconnect shaft linkage and speedometer cable.
5. Loosen nuts retaining oil cooler lines to transmission, then remove clips retaining lines and move lines away to prevent damage when transmission is removed.
6. Remove the three nuts and bolts retaining converter to flex plate and the three nuts and bolts retaining frame bracket to transmission mount.
7. Using a suitable jack, raise engine and transmission, then remove the four bolts retaining frame bracket to crossmember and remove transmission mount.
8. Remove transmission to engine bolts, then lower and remove transmission. Use care to avoid dropping converter.
9. Reverse procedure to install, making sure that converter rotates freely before torquing nuts and bolts to 30 ft. lbs.