Heater Core: Service and Repair
HEATER UNIT/CORERemoval Procedure
Fig. 2 Removal & installation of heater core:
1. Disconnect battery ground cable and drain cooling system.
2. Disconnect heater hoses, taking care not to damage core tubes, then plug tubes.
3. Remove instrument panel assembly as follows:
a. Remove glove box hinge pin, then the glove box.
b. Remove shift knob and console hole cover, then remove console attaching screws and console assembly.
c. Remove meter hood screws and meter hood, then the meter assembly.
d. Remove speedometer boss from the cable.
e. Remove side trim panel, then the fuse box attaching screws.
f. Disconnect air defroster hoses.
g. Remove steering column support bolts.
h. Remove instrument panel covers, then the instrument panel attaching screws and nuts.
i. Remove instrument panel.
4. Remove side duct, then disconnect wiring harness and position aside.
5. Remove heater unit attaching bolts, then the heater unit.
6. Remove lower heater unit case retainer clips, then the lower case.
7. Remove heater core attaching nuts, then the heater core, Fig. 2.
8. Reverse procedure to install.