Fig. 6 Checking Ignitor:
1. Remove distributor cap and igniter cover.
2. Disconnect coil high tension cable from the distributor side terminal.
3. Move coil high tension cable end approximately .02 inch from suitable ground.
4. Using an ohmmeter set to the x1 ohm or x10 ohm range, connect probe to terminals between pickup coil and igniter, Fig. 6, as follows: positive probe to white wire terminal; negative probe to red wire terminal. Do not apply voltage for more than 3 seconds to prevent damage of power transistor in igniter.
5. When releasing one probe from a terminal, a spark should jump between cable end and ground. If no spark is present, replace igniter assembly.
Amigo, Impulse, Pickup & Trooper II
1. Disconnect high tension cable between coil and distributor.
2. Hold coil high tension cable end approximately .23 inch from suitable ground.
3. Engage starter and check to see if spark jumps across gap. If spark is not present, check for defective ignition coil. If ignition coil is satisfactory, replace distributor.