Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
1. Disconnect battery ground cable, then mark hood hinge positions for installation.2. Remove engine hood, then drain radiator coolant.
3. Remove accelerator cable from throttle valve and common chamber assembly.
4. Mark vacuum hoses for installation, then disconnect vacuum hoses from engine.
5. Mark electrical connectors for installation, then disconnect electrical connections from engine.
6. Remove heater hoses from engine assembly, then disconnect upper radiator hose from radiator.
7. Disconnect throttle valve heating hose from coolant bypass line.
8. Remove coolant bypass line brace from engine, then disconnect fuel lines.
9. Remove right engine undercover, then disconnect exhaust pipe from manifold.
10. Support engine, then remove right side engine mount.
11. Remove coolant recovery tank and bracket.
12. Remove power steering pump and bracket from engine, leaving hoses connected and position aside.
13. Remove alternator drive belt, then engine mounting bridge from front of engine.
14. Remove cylinder head center cover, then disconnect spark plug wires from spark plugs and ignition coil.
15. Disconnect PCV hose from cylinder head cover. then remove upper timing cover.
16. Disconnect power steering pump bracket from engine.
17. Remove cylinder head cover.
Fig. 18 Aligning camshaft timing mark:
Fig. 19 Tension adjusting hole cover removal:
18. Align camshaft timing marks as shown in Fig. 18, then remove tension adjusting hole cover, Fig. 19.
19. Loosen tension pulley lock bolt, then remove timing belt by turning the tension pulley with box wrench.
20. Remove timing belt, then cylinder head bolts in sequence shown in Fig. 20.
21. Hoist cylinder head from engine block slightly, then remove coolant hose from oil cooler.
22. Remove cylinder head from engine block.
Fig. 20 Cylinder head removal sequence:
Fig. 21 Cylinder head tightening sequence:
Fig. 22 Sealant application points:
23. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Apply engine oil to thread and seating surface of cylinder head bolts prior to installation.
b. Torque cylinder head bolts in two steps, Step 1; tighten cylinder head bolts to 29 ft. lbs in sequence shown in Fig. 21. Step 2; tighten cylinder head bolts to 58 ft. lbs in sequence as shown in Fig. 21.
c. Apply a 1/8 inch bead of sealant No. TB/1207B or equivalent to the arched areas of the camshaft bearing caps, Fig. 22.
d. Torque cylinder head cover retaining bolts to 53 inch lbs. in sequence shown in Fig. 23.