Component Operation
W1 and W2 are windings.
C1, C2, and C4 are contacts.
The unlock relay has battery voltage applied to terminal C2. When the trigger unit applies voltage to W2, the relay contacts close and voltage is applied to C1 and C4, in turn applying voltage to lock solenoids.
W1 and W2 are windings.
C1, C2, and C4 are contacts.
The lock relay has battery voltage applied to terminal C2. When the trigger unit applies voltage to W2, the relay contacts close and voltage is applied to C1 and C4, in turn applying voltage to lock solenoids.
These solenoids each contain a trigger unit. The trigger unit contains:
2 diodes
2 resistors
2 capacitors
2 microswitches
When unlock is selected, microswitches are moved to unlock position. This allows the capacitor to unload through the diode to give a momentary surge of power to the unlock relay coil. This causes the relay contacts to close and supply power to the lock solenoids. After capacitor discharge, the unlock relay will deactivate and return to its normal open position.
The second trigger unit will be moved to unlock position mechanically by the action of the solenoid it is connected to.
While trigger units are set in unlock position, lock capacitors are kept in a charge state down to ground. When the trigger units are turned to lock position, the same sequence of events takes place just as described in the unlock circuit.
Lock and unlock circuits are protected from each other as capacitors are polarized and will not pass reverse current. Diodes are incorporated in the circuit to protect the trigger units from high discharge currents of capacitors being fed back to each other instead of to ground through relay coil.
These are solenoids only. No other controls.