Bleeding the brake system is not a routine maintenance operation and should only be necessary when brake fluid is changed, air has contaminated the fluid, or a part of the system has been disconnected.BLEEDING
1. Be sure fluid reservoir is topped up with fluid of correct specification.
2. Attach bleeder tube to left-hand rear bleed screw, immerse open end of tube in small jar partially filled with clean brake fluid Position gear selector in neutral and run engine at idling speed.
3. Slacken left-hand rear bleed screw. Operate brake pedal through full stroke until fluid issuing from tube is free of air bubbles.
NOTE: The fluid level in reservoir must be checked at regular intervals and topped up as necessary -
4. Keep pedal fully depressed and close bleed screw.
5. Repeat above operations on right-hand rear brake. Continue above operations on remaining front brakes. Check tightness of all bleed screws and fit protective caps. Top up reservoir as necessary.
CAUTION: Brake fluid emitted from system during above check must NOT be put back into system.
6. Apply normal working load to brake pedal for several minutes, if pedal moves or feels spongy further bleeding of system is required. When pedal 'feel' is satisfactory release handbrake.