Power Steering Rack:
1. Remove lower steering column.
2. Drain fluid from steering pump.
3. Disconnect and plug all fluid supply lines.
4. Using ball joint separator tool No. JD24 or equivalent, separate left and right tie rods.
5. Remove steering gear from front suspension.
6. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Shims are installed between gear and mounting bracket to obtain a 0.05 inch gap on either side of gear and mounting bracket. On XJ6 models a 0.10-0.12 inch gap is required.
b. Using tool No. JD36A or equivalent, align front wheels.
7. Align front wheels as follows:
a. Loosen locknuts on outer ends of each tie-rod.
b. Remove hose clips securing outer ends of boots to tie rods.
c. Equally rotate tie rods until desired wheel alignment.
d. Secure track rod end and torque locknuts to 60-70 ft. lbs.