Brake Pedal Assy: Service and Repair
1. Remove bolt securing stay bar to wing valance, swing bar clear of wing.
2. Pry vacuum pipe adaptor from servo unit, swing pipe and adaptor clear of servo unit.
3. Remove nuts securing master cylinder to servo unit.
4. Slacken nuts securing reservoir mounting bracket to pedal box, swing bracket into vertical position.
Pedal Box:
5. Remove four nuts securing pedal box assembly to bulkhead.
6. Ease master cylinder from mounting bolts and clear of servo.
7. Manoeuvre pedal box and servo unit clear of bulkhead and lift from car.
8. Remove spring clip securing servo push rod clevis pin.
8. Remove clevis pin and spring washer securing push rod to brake pedal lever.
10. Remove four nuts securing pedal box to servo unit, recover reservoir mounting bracket and lay aside.
11. Detach pedal box from servo unit.
1. Reverse operations 1 to 11.
2. Bleed brakes.