NOTE: All instructions, unless otherwise stated, apply to both RH A bank and LH B bank cylinder head assemblies.DISASSEMBLE
Remove the engine/gearbox assembly.
Remove the torque converter/gearbox assembly.
Fit the engine to an engine stand.
Remove the left and right hand induction manifolds.
Remove the left and right hand exhaust manifolds.
Remove the hose clip securing the oil pressure relief valve bleed pipe to the top of the sandwich plate.
Remove the setscrews securing the clips on the oil cooler feed pipe.
Disconnect the oil cooler feed pipe at the pipe union.
Unscrew and discard the filter element.
Oil Filter Adaptor-Relief Flow System:
Remove three setscrews securing the by-pass valve union to the sandwich plate.
Remove four setscrews securing the filter head to cylinder block. Release the oil cooler suction pipe union nut.
Slacken the fan belt and remove the setscrews/nuts securing the fan belt idler pulley assembly.
Remove the assembly.
P/S Adjusting Bolt - View #5:
Remove the P/S pump pivot bolts and remove the pump.
Remove the P/S pump mounting bracket and adjustment link.
Remove four setscrews securing the A/C compressor.
Remove the compressor mounting bracket.
Remove the air pump.
Remove the air pump mounting bracket and adjustment link.
Release the transmission oil cooler pipe clips and remove the pipes from engine.
Remove the starter motor.
Crankshaft Pulleys:
Remove four bolts securing the crankshaft pulley to damper and withdraw the pulley.
Remover the damper bolt, strike the damper sharply with hide mallet and withdraw the damper.
Recover the Woodruff key.
Remove the damper cone, recover the Woodruff key.
Water Pump And Crosspipe:
Remove the setscrews/washers retaining the water inlet spout to the water pump.
Carefully break the seal.
Remove the setscrews, studs and bolt retaining the water pump.
Carefully break the seal and remove the water pump/backplate assembly complete with the engine cross pipe).
Remove the distributor and the amplifier unit.
Cylinder Head Oil Pipe Banjo Bolts:
Remove the banjo bolts (1) securing the camshaft oil feed pipes to the rear of the tappet blocks and oil gallery.
Remove the throttle pedestal, amplifier bracket, heater return pipe and engine cable.
Remove the alternator and bracket.
Camshaft Cover:
Remove the domed head nuts, copper washers and setscrews securing the camshaft cover to the cylinder head (1); lift off the cover.
Remove and discard the gaskets and half moon seals.
Bend back the locking tabs securing the camshaft sprocket retaining bolts.
Remove two bolts from each sprocket.
Timing Chain Tensioner Retracting Tool:
Use timing chain tensioner retractor tool JD 50 (1,2) to fully extend the tensioner.
Rotate the engine until the two remaining bolts are accessible.
Remove the bolts.
Cam Gear Components:
Fit retaining tool JD 40 (1) to each sprocket and remove JD 50.
Loosen the camshaft bearing cap nuts working from the center outwards.
Remove the camshaft.
Remove the nuts/capscrews securing the tappet block to the cylinder head; remove the tappet block together with tappets.
Retrieve the valve adjusting pads. Note location.
Progressively loosen the cylinder head nuts, working from the center outwards.
Lift off the cylinder head and place on blocks of wood.
Cylinder Liner Retainers:
Fit cylinder liner retainers JD 41.
Oil Pan Bolts:
Invert the engine and remove the sump pan bolts. Note the position of the oil cooler pipe clip.
Fig. 10 Suction Elbow And Sandwich Plate Removal:
Remove the bolts securing the sandwich plate; recover the crankshaft angle indicator scale.
Carefully break the joint and remove the sandwich plate.
Remove all traces of gasket.
Remove the suction union elbow from sandwich plate.
Timing Cover:
Remove the bolts securing the timing cover to the cylinder block noting relative positions of long, short and dowelled bolts.
Remove the timing cover, lift off gaskets and discard.
Remove and discard the timing cover oil seal.
Withdraw the spacer from crankshaft.
Move the chain tensioner clear of the locating bracket and slide off the dowel pin.
Disengage and remove the timing chain from the sprockets.
Remove the bolts securing the jackshaft cover to cylinder block, lift off cover.
Remove the engine mounting brackets.
Oil Pickup Pipe:
Remove four setscrews (3) and washers securing the suction pipe clips and bracket.
Draw the suction pipe (2) from the O-ring at the elbow (1).
Remove two setscrews/washers (4) securing the crankshaft undershield and delivery pipe (5) clips.
Remove the undershield.
Remove the bolt/washer/nut securing the oil delivery pipe elbow to the oil pump casting.
Lift the oil delivery pipe from the crankcase.
Remove and discard the gasket.
Withdraw the crankshaft sprocket and Woodruff key.
Oil Pump Bolts:
Remove four bolts securing the oil pump to cylinder block. Withdraw the pump, drive gear and Woodruff key.
Jackshaft Components:
Remove the set screws (3) and tabwasher (4) securing the sprocket (5) to the jackshaft; withdraw the sprocket, discard the tabwasher.
Remove the bolts (6) securing the jackshaft locking plate (7) to the cylinder block; lift the plate out of the groove in the jackshaft flange.
Withdraw the jackshaft (8).
NOTE: Care must be taken to identify pistons with their respective bores. Connecting rods should be numbered before disassembly.
Connecting Rod Nuts:
Remove the nuts (1) securing the connecting rod bearing cap (2); lift off the cap together with the bearing shell.
Remove carbon deposit from the top of the bore; push the connecting rod and piston up the cylinder bore and withdraw.
Repeat the procedure for the remaining piston/connecting rod assemblies.
Remove the bolts on the locking plate securing the drive plate to the crankshaft. Lift off the drive plate.
Engine Lower End:
Remove the small nuts securing the main bearing caps, starting from the center bearing.
Remove the pillar nuts and large nuts securing the main bearing caps starting from the center bearing. Note location of pillar nuts to assist replacement.
Lift off the bearing caps and shells, slide the rear main bearing casting out of the cylinder block, remove and discard the seals.
Crankshaft Components:
Lift the crankshaft out of the cylinder block, retrieve the upper halves of the main bearing shells.
NOTE: If for any reason cylinder liners are to be removed and re-used, they should be marked FRONT and refitted in their original bore.
Remove cylinder liner retaining tools JD 41.
Following crankshaft removal, journals should be checked in accordance with dimensions.
NOTE: Due to the extremely hard surface of crankshaft journals, it is not possible to grind crankshafts satisfactorily.
Engine Support Tool MS 53B
Timing Gauge C3993
Oil Seal Pre-sizing Tool JD 17B
Pre-sizing Tool Adaptor JD 1781
Jackshaft Retainer Tool JD 39
Camshaft Sprocket Retainer JD 40
Cylinder Liner Retaining Brackets JD 41
Timing Chain Tensioner Retainer and Release Tool JD5O