Ball Joint-Upper
Remove and Refit Ball Joint - Upper
Service tool: Steering joint taper separator JD 24
The upper wishbone ball joint cannot be dismantled and if worn, the complete assembly must be replaced
- Jack up car beneath lower wishbone.
- Remove road wheel
- Tie stub axle carrier to cross member turret to prevent strain on front brake caliper hose.
- Remove two nuts. bolts [1] and plain washers securing ball joint to upper wishbone levers
NOTE: Take careful note of fitted positions of bolts and also positions of packing piece and shims, these control castor angle
- Remove self locking nut [2] and plain washer securing ball joint to stub axle carrier.
- Use taper separator tool JD 24 to extract ball joint from stub axle carrier
CAUTION: Bolts securing upper ball-joints in upper wishbone must be fitted from front of car towards rear.
- Reverse above operations. ensuring that packing piece and shims are positioned as noted.
- Fit ball-joint to stub axle carrier before securing to wishbone
- Check castor angle, camber angle and front wheel alignment