Water Ingress Post Waste Information
5. Water Ingress via Seams at "A" Post Waist - Series III
(Fig. 6)
This problem may occur if there is an open seam at the base of the drip rail which allows water to enter the car interior via the "A" post box section.
Apply sealant, such as Kent Quick Leak Check (Clear), along the seams identified in Fig. 6, allow to dry and water test vehicle.
If a leak is Still apparent, adopt the following course of action:
A. Remove the "A" post draught welt.
B. Remove trim from footwell at base of "A" post -
BD-43251 - RH, BD-43252 - LH, BAC-9906 - RH VDP, BAC-9907 - LH VDP.
C. Examine interior of the box section whilst water is "poured" down drip rails.
D. Refer to Fig. 6A and 6B for possible leak areas, and rectify using one of the following methods:
i. Leakage from point 6A - remove front wheel arch stone guard and apply sealant. ii. Leakage from point 6B - remove front fender (Workshop Manual Operation 77.28.29) and apply sealant.