Cylinder Block Assembly: Service and Repair
CAUTION: The duration of honing time and the number of strokes per second must be strictly observed to give the correct bore finish and crosshatch specification. This method has been developed and evaluated on service cylinder blocks, and when strictly adhered to, will produce the required bore finish.EQUIPMENT
- GBD 89 mm (3.5 in) diameter 80 grit silicon carbide flex hone tool. The Flex Hone Tool is colour coded orange at the hone end of the tool.
- Variable speed electric drill, which must be capable of running at 750 rev/min unladen.
1. Remove engine and dismantle.
NOTE: It is NOT necessary to dismantle the cylinder head.
2. Position the dismantled cylinder block so that the flex hone tool can be inserted vertically. Tape over water and oil galleries on cylinder block top face.
3. Lubricate each cylinder using clean engine oil.
4. Secure the Flex Hone Tool in drill.
5. The Flex Hone Tool must be revolving when inserted OR removed from each cylinder, and must not be stopped and restarted during the deglazing cycle.
6. Using a vertical stroking motion (with flex hone already revolving), hone for 45 seconds at the rate of 2 strokes per second.
1. Remove oil gallery plugs and flush out oilways with suitable cleaning solvent. Replace plugs.
2. Using soapy water, thoroughly brush cylinder bores AND crankcase.
3. Brush the bores and crankcase with clean water.
4. Wipe each bore with clean white cloth tissue. Wipe all main bearing journals similarily.
5. Repeat process until cloth/tissue can be removed clean.