WARNING: Do not disconnect any refrigerant hoses. Blindness can result if the gas contained within the system comes into contact with the eyes.REMOVE
- Depressurize the fuel injection system.
- Drain the cooling system.
- Detach the fasteners securing the wiring and air-conditioning system pipes to the fender braces.
- Remove the bolts at each end of fender brace and remove from car.
- Disconnect the coolant hoses.
- Remove the camshaft covers and seals.
- Remove the breather housing from the front of the cylinder head.
- Remove the bolt securing transmission dipstick tube from to the exhaust manifold stand nut.
- Remove heat shield from exhaust manifolds.
- Remove oxygen sensor.
- Remove nuts securing exhaust manifolds to cylinder head.
- Exhaust manifolds can be pulled just clear of head.
- Disconnect and plug the fuel hoses from the fuel cooler. Fuel cooler is located next to A/C compressor.
- Disconnect the ignition leads from spark plugs.
- Remove the harness from the head.
- Disconnect the temperature transmitter lead and the ground lead from the manifold.
- Remove the air cleaner.
- Detach the air-flow meter hoses and remove the meter.
- Disconnect the heater pipes and remove the camshaft oil feed pipes by detaching the banjo bolts at the rear of the head.
- Turn the crankshaft until the two camshaft timing notches are below the camshafts, then remove the two accessible bolts from each camshaft flange, turn the crank through one complete revolution and release the remaining bolts, but leave one bolt in position in each flange.
- Slacken the locknut on the idler sprocket shaft.
- Use service tool JD2B to loosen top timing chain tension by pressing on to serrated adjuster plate and rotating the tool in a clockwise direction.
- Remove the remaining bolts.
CAUTION: The engine MUST NOT be rotated while the camshaft sprockets are disconnected and the cylinder head is in place.
- Draw the sprockets from the camshafts and slide the sprockets up the support brackets. Secure to each other with a rubber band.
- Remove the fourteen cylinder head domed nuts and six nuts securing the front of the cylinder head, working out from the center.
- Carefully lift the cylinder head assembly from the cylinder block.
NOTE: As the valves in the fully open position protrude below the cylinder head joint face, the cylinder head must not be placed joint face downwards directly on a flat surface, support the cylinder head on wooden blocks, one at each end, or suitable head stand.
- Thoroughly clean the joint faces of the cylinder head and block.