- Lower the engine and gearbox into the car.
- Position the floor jack under the car with a wooden block on the head
- Carefully lower the unit and locate the gearbox on the floor jack head. Move the unit back (observing clearance of steering rack housing) and align engine to mountings.
- Insert the correct packing pieces at the front mountings, fit and tighten the mounting nuts.
Engine Support Tool - MS53A:
Support Tool MS 53(A)
- Fit engine support tool MS 53(A) and withdraw the lifting tackle.
- Remove the lifting eye C37851 and replace the standard lifting eye.
- Remove the jack from under the gearbox.
- Raise the front of the car and place it on two stands.
- Reconnect the speedometer drive gear selector and propeller shaft.
- Raise the rear mounting into position on the jack.
- Insert spacers and secure in position with four bolts.
- Fit the oil pan to gearbox tie plate.
- Replace the intermediate and rear heat shields, lower the car from the stands and detach the support tool.
- Replace the detached items by reversing the removal sequence.
- Replace or renew the coolant.
- Refill the engine oil pan and check the fluid levels in power steering and brake reservoirs and transmission.
- Refit hood.