CHECK- Inflate tires to correct pressures. Set front wheels in straight-ahead position.
- Remove grease nipple from rack adjuster pad.
Steering Rack Centralizing Tool:
- Insert centralizing tool 18G 1486, or equivalent and adjust position of rack until reduced tip of tool enters locating hole in rack.
- Check alignment by using light beam equipment or an approved track setting gauge.
NOTE: As a front wheel alignment check is called for in the Maintenance Summary, very little variation from specified figures for wheel alignment is to be expected; if a discrepancy of as much as 3 mm (1/8in) from specified limits of 1,6 mm to 1,2 mm (1/16in to 1/8in) toe-in is recorded, accidental damage to a steering lever may have occurred and the following check must be carried out on both levers
- Remove steering levers.
Fig. 2 Steering Lever Dimensions:
- Accurately compare dimensions of each lever against those shown in image.
- Replace any lever with dimensions outside limits.
WARNING: DO NOT attempt to rectify a rejected lever by bending.
- If both steering levers are within limits, a discrepancy in alignment figures may be due to distortion of upper or lower wishbones, or end of stub axle carriers (vertical links).
- Loosen locknuts at outer end of each tie-rod.
- Release clips securing outer ends of gaiters to tie-rods.
- Turn tie-rods by an equal amount until alignment of wheels is correct.
- Tighten locknuts to figure quoted while holding track rod end spanner flats.
- Re-check alignment.
- Ensure that gaiters are not twisted and retighten clips.
- Remove centralising tool and refit grease nipple.