Solenoid Valve Replacement Procedure
The Down Solenoid Valve and Charge (Load) Solenoid Valve may be replaced without removing the solenoid valve block from the vehicle.
To replace the Up Solenoid Valve or the Up Leveling Non-Return Valve, the solenoid valve block must be removed from the vehicle.
Refer to Fig. 1 for Solenoid Valve identification.
Solenoid Valve Removal:
Clean the solenoid valve block and surrounding area before disassembling the valve block.
^ Depressurize the brake accumulator and rear suspension (refer to section 60.20.00 of the XJ6 3.6 Service Manual).
^ Cut and remove the ratchet straps securing the wire harness to the solenoid valve block.
^ Disconnect the PM-4 multi-plug connector.
^ If it is necessary to remove the Up Solenoid Valve or the Up Leveling Non-Return Valve, remove the solenoid valve block from the vehicle (refer to section 66.30.04 of the XJ6 3.6 Service Manual).
^ Remove the anti-backout plate and seals from the PM-4 connector block. Using special tool JD 137, remove the terminal pins from the connector block (as required).
Absolute cleanliness is essential during the following steps.
^ To remove the Up Solenoid Valve or Up Leveling Non-Return to Valve:
FIG. 2:
- Clamp the valve block mounting lug in a vise. Ensure the Up Solenoid Valve is facing up, (Fig. 2).
- Unscrew and remove the Up Solenoid Valve.
- The Up Leveling Non-return Valve and spring are located in the bore of the valve block (below the threads for the Up Solenoid Valve). To remove the valve, tip the valve block over onto a clean rag.
^ To remove the Down Solenoid Valve or Charge (Load) Solenoid to Valve.
- Place a clean rag below the solenoid valve to be replaced.
- Unscrew and remove the Solenoid Valve(s).
Solenoid valve Installation:
Ensure all components are clean before assembly. The Solenoid Valve Block assembly should be free from dirt and any foreign materials.
^ Installing the Up Solenoid Valve or Up Leveling Non-Return Valve:
- If the original Up Leveling Solenoid Valve is to be installed, replace the "O" ring seals on the valve.
- Clamp the valve block mounting lug in a vice (Fig. 2). Ensure the Up Solenoid Valve is facing up.
(Revised 3/90)
FIG. 3:
- Use a clean rod through the center of the Non-Return Valve spring to guide the spring into its bore in the solenoid valve block. (Fig. 3a).
- Using a pair of long tweezers, install the Non-return Valve on top of the spring. Ensure the non-return valve seal faces up toward the solenoid valve and is centered over the spring, (Fig. 3b).
If no tweezers are available, form a large paper clip into a "U" shape to hold the Non-Return Valve during assembly.
^ All Valves:
- Screw the solenoid valve into the valve block and torque to 35 to 45 N-m (26 to 33 ft.lbs.).
FIG. 4:
^ Insert the wire terminal pins through the correct positions in the anti-backout plate, seal, and PM-4 connector block. Refer to Fig. 4 for pin location.
^ Wrap the solenoid valve wires with insulating tape.
^ Reinstall the solenoid valve block (if it was removed from the vehicle). Refer to section 66.30.04 of the XJ6 3.6 Service Manual.
^ Reconnect the PM-4 plug and socket and secure with ratchet straps.
^ Check power hydraulic fluid level and top up if necessary.
Use Castrol Hydraulic System Mineral Oil only.
^ Raise vehicle on a lift (wheels must support the vehicle). Disconnect the ride level sensor link rod.
Start engine and activate the rear suspension (refer to Technical Bulletin section 66, number 7). To purge air from the system, repeat this procedure several times.
If the vehicle has been operated extensively with low rear strut pressure, the system may have to be bled to purge the air. Refer to Technical bulletin section 64, number 2.
Reconnect the ride level sensor link rod and inspect the hydraulic system for leaks.
Recheck the power hydraulic fluid level and top up if necessary.
Fault Repair Time
Operation Code Operation Number Allowance
Down Solenoid Valve - 5LU 66.30.20 1.00 hrs
Renew 5LU 66.30.20/09 .65 hrs (no JDS)
Up Solenoid Valve 5LV 66.30.19 1.50 hrs
or Non-Return Valve - 5LV 66.30.19/09 1.15 hrs (no JDS)
Charge Solenoid Valve - 5LT 66.30.18 1.05 hrs
Renew 5LT 66.30.18/09 .70 hrs (no JDS)
Activate Rear 5L* 66.30.24 .15 hrs
Suspension (No valve replaced
Charge and up Solenoid 5L* 66.30.21 1.25 hrs
Valves-Pair - Renew (without JDS test)
Charge and Down Solenoid 5L* 66.30.22 .80 hrs
Valves-Pair - Renew (without JDS test)
Up and Down Solenoid 5L* 66.30.23 1.25 hrs
Valves-Pair - Renew (without JDS test)
* Code to problem using code from index on page 5L of code book.
(Revised 4/90)
Description Part Number
Down Solenoid valve (with trapped Line CBC 9700
Pressure Valve)
Up Solenoid Valve CBC 9702
Charge (Load) Solenoid Valve CBC 9701
Up Leveling Non-Return Valve and Spring (Kit) JLM 2057
Solenoid Valve "O" Ring Seal Kit JLM 2058
(Revised 3/90)