Cylinder Head Assembly: Service and Repair
1. With No. 1 cylinder at TDC, remove hood from vehicle and drain cooling system.
2. Remove air cleaner element and disconnect hoses from intake and throttle elbows.
3. Disconnect intake elbow hose from throttle orifice control housing, then remove dipstick tube and oil filler tube.
4. Disconnect engine breather hose from cam cover and heater supply hose from cylinder head.
5. Remove intake manifold bolts and nuts.
6. Remove ground leads from front stud and remove engine harness channel mounting brackets from studs.
7. Remove oil filler tube upper mounting bracket, then carefully lift intake manifold off of cylinder head.
8. Remove thermostat housing and distributor cap.
9. Remove exhaust system, then disconnect coil leads and spark plug wires.
10. Remove cam cover and upper timing chain tensioner clamp.
11. Note position of rotor arm and remove distributor.
12. Push back lock tabs and remove camshaft sprocket bolts and tab washers.
13. Remove upper timing chain tensioner valve, then release tension with allen wrench.
14. Remove tensioner and discard O-ring.
15. Remove camshaft sprockets, then reposition timing chain between upper dampers and secure.
16. Remove cylinder head front securing bolts, then move hydraulic pump hose and harness mounting brackets for clearance.
17. Remove remaining cylinder head securing bolts/nuts.
18. Remove upper static damper pedestal assembly.
19. Remove cylinder head and discard gasket.
Fig. 4 Cylinder Head Bolt Tightening Sequence:
20. Reverse procedure to install, noting the following:
a. Ensure engine is at TDC.
b. Tighten cylinder head bolts to specification, than an additional 90° in sequence shown in Fig. 4.
c. Adjust tension on timing chain using upper chain tensioner tool No. 18G-1436 or equivalent.
d. Tighten to specifications.