VCM - Displays Fuel Failure Symbol
SECTION 86 No. 7
Model: XJ6 3.6 Date: June, 1987
The vehicle condition monitor (VCM) on a number of early production XJ6 3.6 vehicles has displayed the "fueling failure" symbol when no such failure has occurred. In some cases, this has been followed by fuel failure "1" on the text display. Although it is believed that all USA production cars are modified to prevent this, the possibility exists you may encounter this fault.
To rectify this situation, a vehicle software change is currently in progress. Upon completion of the software change, a vehicle introduction number signaling the software change will be advised in a
Service Bulletin.
As a temporary measure to disable the fuel failure warning function on vehicles which exhibit this problem, the following procedure should be carried out:
1. Disconnect battery.
CAUTION: Ensure that the ignition is switched "OFF" before battery disconnection.
2. Remove LH underscuttle casing.
3. Locate the 24 way PMHD yellow connector block LB53 and remove the blue/green (U/G) cable socket "10" from the bulkhead harness side connector block.
NOTE: Ensure that the socket and cable are removed intact, to enable reconnection should the instrument pack "fueling failure" diagnostics be required.
4. Fold the displaced cable back and secure it to the harness using suitable insulation tape.
5. Refit the underscuttle casing, reconnect the battery, reset clock.