Window Frame - Adjustment Revised
No: 14
Model: XJ6 3.6 Date: JANUARY, 1988
A modification to provide additional adjustment of door window frames has been introduced progressively on production from VIN 511000.
Due to this modification it is possible that following a replacement of a window regulator the glass may not fully close in the upper channel.
The following procedure is required when replacing a window regulator.
NOTE: Details of window regulator replacement are provided in the XJ6 3.6 Service Manual.
Operation Number 86.25.04 Front door
Operation Number 86.25.09 Rear door
A setting block made from suitable wood to dimensions 5/16 x 3/16 x 3-1/8" will be required to assist setting adjustments.
Window Travel Check
1. With a new regulator fitted, connect the window switches and turn the ignition on. Slightly release the regulator stop to allow full travel and motor the glass to fully closed position.
2. Check the glass position. If a gap is evident the upper regulator stop must be modified.
3. Release and remove the window stop bolt (A Fig. 1. Note: Front door shown). Remove the stop assembly.
4. Remove 1/8" from the upper nylon block using a file (B Fig. 1).
5. Refit the stop assembly but do not fully tighten.
1. Motor the glass clear of the upper channel.
2. Insert the setting block into the channel.
3. Motor the window fully up to the block, adjust the stop and tighten the bolt.
4. Lower the window, remove the block, fully close the glass and set correctly.
5. Refit any displaced tape etc., and refit all the component parts.
6. Repeat for the rear door if required.
Repair Operation No. and Time: 76-31-47 Front Door 0.6 hrs
76-31-48 Rear Door 0.55 hrs