JDS - Software Issue 4040 General Usage Rules: Overview
90jaguar01January 18, 1990
MEMO 011890
TO: All Jaguar Service Managers
Enclosed please find 2 sets of JDS Software Issue 4040. Each set contains A and B disks. One set should be stored with the machine and the other in a secure place. There are also four new adapters and a yellow reference cable needed to test the instrument pack.
Please read the instructions provided carefully before attempting to use Issue 4040.
This software replaces issue 4039 WHICH MUST BE RETURNED IMMEDIATELY! Jaguar Cars Inc. 600 Willow Tree Road Leonia, NJ 07605
Attention: S. Woolsey
Both 4039 disks must be received no later than February 28, 1990. Failure to do so will result in a $500.00 debit against your parts account.
Sincerely, Jaguar Service