Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.

Section C

SECTION C - Lock Repair Procedure:

The following three repair kits are available through Zone Parts Departments to repair the right and left hand front door locks and the trunk lock:

Part Number: Description:

JLM 2040 L.H. door lock repair kit
JLM 2039 R.H. door lock repair kit
JLM 2042 Trunk lock repair kit

All lock repair kits contain a total of 12 discs, which are divided into three types (four discs per disc type). To identify each disc type, read the notch sequence located on the edge of each disc. Refer to fig. 2 for the disc to key cut relationship.


^ Remove the faulty door handle assembly from the vehicle door.

^ Remove "C" clip, (fig. 3 A).

^ Remove plastic actuation arm, return spring and spacer washer, (fig. 3 B, C, & D).

^ Remove the circlip which retains the lock barrel into its housing, (Fig. 3 E).

^ Hold handle as in fig. 4 and carefully extract the lock barrel assembly and steel roller (fig. 4 A) from its housing.

^ Remove the shutter assembly, (fig. 4 B).

The lock barrel should be kept assembled so that it can be used as a checking reference when assembling the replacement kit.


^ Select new discs and spacers from the kit and arrange them in order according to the key cut sequence.

^ Assemble discs and spacers into the new lock barrel supplied with the kit (Fig. 5). As each disc/spacer is installed, apply a small amount of grease (supplied in the kit) to the face of the discs/spacers.

^ The single spring spacer should be installed between the last two discs installed in the lock barrel, (fig. 5 C).

^ Align discs and spacers so that the steel roller fits into the lock barrel, (fig. 5 A and B).

^ Lubricate and install new shutter assembly into the lock barrel. Lubricate and install the steel roller into the lock barrel, (fig. 5 A). Install the lock barrel assembly into the lock housing.

^ Install the lock barrel retention circlip. Reassemble the lock using new parts which are supplied in the kit.

^ Check that the disc assembly is correct by viewing the disc assembly at the position indicated in fig. 6.

This check can also be used to identify the key/cut code on all sedan range vehicles incorporating Tibbe locks.

^ Test the lock operation using the key. Install the door lock handle into the door and test the door lock function.


^ Remove the trunk lock barrel assembly from its housing (refer to the 4.0 Sedan Range Service Manual, repair procedure 76.19.19). If the fault is not due to the locking pin/spring locator, discard the lock barrel.


^ Using kit JLM 2042, arrange discs and spacers in key code order, (Fig. 5).

^ Install plastic seal onto lock barrel, (Fig. 7 A).

^ Assemble disc and spacer washers into the lock barrel in key cut order. Apply a small small amount of grease to each disc/spacer face. Align the steel roller with slots, (Fig. 7).

Use only the grease supplied with the kit.

^ Install shutter housing into the lock barrel and in retaining key, (Fig. 8 A).

^ Install pivot pin and spring into the shutter housing while tensioning the the spring, (Fig. 8 C).

^ Position the shutter flap (Fig. 8 D) into the shutter housing. Install the closing plate, (Fig. 8 E).

^ Insert plastic tension ring (Fig. 8 P) into the lock barrel retaining cover. Install cover (Fig. 8 G) over the lock barrel.

^ Hold the lock barrel on a block of wood. Using a flat end punch and a hammer, drive the edge of the cover into the three slots in the lock barrel rim, (Fig. 9).

^ Using the key, align disc and spacer washers.

^ Apply grease to the steel roller and install into the lock barrel, (Fig. 7).

^ Apply grease to the detent plunger and spring and install into lock barrel, (Fig. 10 A).

^ Lubricate and install the steel spring clip into the lock barrel housing, (Fig. 10 B).

^ Align and install the lock barrel into the lock barrel housing. To perform this, it is necessary to align the detent plunger with the slot and pushing until the plunger engages into the rear of the housing, (Fig. 10 C).

^ Using the trunk key, ensure the lock operates properly.