Expansion Valve: Description and Operation
- The expansion valve is the dividing point between the high and low pressure sides of the system, and automatically meters the high pressure, high temperature liquid refrigerant through a small orifice, controlled by a metering valve into the low pressure, cold temperature side of the evaporator matrix. The refrigerant must be controlled to obtain the maximum cooling while assuring complete evaporation of the liquid refrigerant within the evaporator. To do this, the valve senses the outlet pipe temperature, the inlet pipe pressure, and increases or decreases the flow of refrigerant liquid to maintain the outlet temperature constant.
- The expansion valve continually meters the exact amount of refrigerant required to supply some liquid refrigerant throughout the evaporator coil while ensuring that all of the refrigerant will be vaporized at the evaporator outlet. The refrigerant vapor then returns to the low (suction) side of the compressor.