Operation CHARM: Car repair manuals for everyone.


- Drive the vehicle onto a four-post lift.
- Depressurize the fuel system.
- Disconnect the battery.
- Remove the bonnet.
- Depressurize the air conditioning system.
- Raise the vehicle on the lift.
- Drain the coolant system.
- Undo and remove the fan cowl lower mounting securing nuts.
- Lower the vehicle on the lift.

Engine R&R - View #1:


Engine R&R - View #2:


- Undo and remove the fan cowl upper mounting securing nuts (1 View 2).
- Release the 'P' clip on the harness from the right hand stud (2 View 2) and the ground eyelet from the left hand stud (3 View 2).
- Slacken the securing clip on the end of the bleed hose (1 View 1), at the center coolant filler neck; disconnect the hose and remove the clip.
- Repeat a similar sequence on the header tank end of the hose (2 View 1) and at the thermostat housing hose to the bleed pipe (3 View 1).
- Move the relay base from the radiator closing panel mounting bracket (4 View 2) and disconnect the water temperature sensor multi plug.
- Cut and remove the temperature sensor harness ratchet straps.
- Disconnect the ignition amplifier harness multi plugs (5 View 2).
- Move the closing panel seal for access to the ignition harness and cut the ratchet straps restraining it.
- Withdraw the electrical harness and rubber grommet (6 View 2) through the closing panel and lay it on the engine.

Engine R&R - View #3:


- Undo the union nut (1 View 3) which holds the air conditioning feed hose to the condenser and disconnect it.
- Remove and discard the old O-ring seal.
- Fit blanking plugs to the open ends of the condenser.
- Free the hose from the inner wing retaining clip and lay it across the engine.
- Undo the union nut (7 View 2) which holds the expansion valve pipe to the drier and disconnect it.
- Remove and discard the old O-ring seal and fit blanking plugs to the open ends of pipe and drier.
- Undo and remove the securing bolts (2 View 3) that hold the radiator closing panel to the bodywork, releasing the grounding eyelets.
- Undo and remove the nuts and bolts (3 View 3), that secure the radiator bracing bar to the wing, retrieving the spacers when so doing.
- Undo and remove the banjo bolt (4 View 3), to release the bleed pipe from the radiator, removing the spacer and copper washers.
- Remove the radiator closing panel, drier and bracing bar assembly (5 View 3).
- Slacken the securing clips on both the right and left hand top hoses to the thermostat housing and remove the hoses (4, 5 View 1).

Engine R&R - View #4:


- Slacken the securing clip on the hose between radiator and heater return (1 View 4), where it is disconnected.

P/S Adjusting Bolt - View #5:


Fan Clutch And Shroud - View #6:


- Disconnect the transmission upper coolant pipe from the radiator by uncoupling the union nut.
- Discard the O-ring seal and blank the open ends. Remove the radiator assembly.
- Disconnect the thermoswitch lucar connector (1 View 5) and bullet connectors adjacent to the electric fan, to enable the electrical harness to be released and removed.
- Remove the fan cowl assembly (1 View 6).
- Undo and remove the fan clutch/water pump securing nuts and remove the fan/fan clutch assembly (2 View 5).
- Disconnect the hose from the water rail at the header tank (2 View 4).
- Disconnect the cruise control vacuum hose (6 View 1), from the pump tee piece and lay it onto the engine.
- Disconnect the purge hose from the part throttle breather pipe (7 View 1).
- Disconnect the purge valve vacuum elbow from the inlet manifold stub pipe (8 View 1).
- Disconnect the vacuum hose between purge valve and thermo-vacuum switch (9 View 1).
- Disconnect the fuel return hose from the return pipe (10 View 1) and close the open ends with blanking plugs.
- Disconnect the fuel feed hose from the fuel rail (11 View 1), remove and discard the seal; close the open ends with blanking plugs.
- Tie back the feed and return hoses to the inner wing.
- Release the distributor purge hose (12 View 1) from the ratchet straps holding it to the left hand wing stay bar and lay it across the engine.
- Undo and remove the wing stay bars (13 View 1) by the removal of the securing nuts and bolts at each end.
- Undo and remove the bolts securing the power assisted steering fluid cooler to the cross beam, reposition the cooler to allow removal of adjacent items.
- Slacken the lock nuts (2, View 5); loosen the pump pivot bolt nut (3 View 5) and pivot the pump towards the engine.
- Remove the belt from the pulley, the pivot bolt with its spacer and lower the pump onto the cross beam and secure it with wire.

Throttle Linkage - View #7:


- Displace the inner throttle cable from the the throttle pulley (1 View 7) and release the outer cable from the mounting bracket by unscrewing the lock nut (2 View 7).
- Disconnect the harness multi-plug (black econoseal).
- Release the closed throttle switch harness from its ratchet straps and disconnect the multi-plug (14 View 1).
- Disconnect the air conditioning hose from the muffler (15 View 1), remove and discard the O-ring seal and plug the open ends.
- Disconnect the harness multi-plug (16 View 1); dislodge the insulation boot from the bulkhead terminal post (17 View 1) and remove the terminal nut.
- Undo and remove the terminal post securing nut to release the eyelet and remove the insulation boot from the harness.
- Remove the ignition electronic control unit, moving aside the bulkhead sound insulation at the same time.

Underhood View #8:


- Release the antilock brake motor/accumulator (1 View 8) from its securing bolt and carefully move it aside without stress to the brake bundy pipe.
- Move the motor harness multi plug (2 View 8), from its retaining bracket and release the grommet (3 View 8) from the bulkhead closing plate.
- Disconnect the air conditioning and water valve vacuum pipes (4 View 8) and pull them through the grommet.
- Undo and remove the bulkhead closing plate securing bolts (5 View 8), carefully moving the assembly to allow the ignition harness multi-plug (6 View 8) to pass through the bulkhead.
- Secure the bulkhead closing plate in temporary position by the use of two bolts and find temporary support for the brake motor assembly/bracket to safeguard the pipe.

Vacuum Hose Connections - View #9:


- Disconnect the E.C.U. to inlet manifold vacuum pipe elbow (1 View 9) and release the main engine electrical harness from its ratchet straps to the bulkhead.
- Release the fuel injection E.C.U. to balance pipe hose ties and disconnect the hose from the balance pipe (18 View 1).
- Disconnect the heater water valve to engine stub pipe hose from the cylinder head water rail stub pipe.
- Disconnect the electrical harness from the bulk- head post and from the starter solenoid Lucar.
- Release the injector harness from its ties and disconnect the harness multi-plug (black PM 4).
- Disconnect (when fitted) the multi-plug of the air injection 2-way solenoid valve (situated to the rear of the A bank manifold ).
- Undo and remove the bolt securing the 2 way solenoid valve mounting bracket to the manifold (2 View 9); remove the eyelet and replace the bolt loosely to retain the valve.
- Disconnect the hot start harness multi-plug and the hot start 2-way solenoid valve multi-plug.
- Release the hotstart fuel rail temperature sensor harness, taking note of the Lucars when disconnecting to move the harness aside.
- Disconnect the supplementary air valve harness plugs.
- Undo and remove the securing nut on the load dump module to alternator terminal, moving the harness away from the alternator (19 View 1).
- Disconnect the Lambda sensor harness multi- plugs from their connection at the exhaust pipes and feed the harness through the wings by displacing the grommets (20 View 1).

Ms-53B Engine Support Tool - View #10:


- Fit the engine support hooks to the rear lifting eyes and to the engine support tool (MS 53B) in its location spanning the wing channels (View 10).
- Fit and tighten the support nuts to take the weight of the engine, then raise the vehicle on the lift.

Underside View - #11:


- Release the Lambda sensor harness from the inner wing retaining clips and remove the sensors from the catalysts (1 View 11).
- Renew both down pipe catalytic converters.
- Undo and remove the securing nuts/bolts from the transmission mounting crash bracket and center pin (2 View 11); remove the crash plate (3 View 11). Be sure that all the spacers, center pin spacer tube and washers are retrieved.
- Support the rear mounting with a suitable jack, undo and remove the securing bolts and spacers.
- Carefully lower the jack while supporting the mounting assembly and remove the mounting, spring and spring seat from the jack.
- Remove the peg/housing assembly by undoing and removing its securing bolts; retrieve the spacers.
- Remove the mounting plate by removal of the upper body and lower securing bolts (4 View 11).
- Undo and remove the securing nuts on the prop-shaft, rotating the shaft each time to gain access to them.
- Undo and remove the securing nut holding the gear selector cable to the transmission lever; release the cable.
- Undo and remove the securing bolts for the outer cable mounting bracket and those securing the engine ground strap to the sump lubrication system.
- Drain the engine oil into a receptacle placed below the oil cooler/sump return pipe disconnected from the cooler; disconnect both feed and return pipes.
- Lower the vehicle on the lift.
- Undo and remove the nuts securing the engine to its front mountings, with the transmission supported on the trolley jack. By raising and lowering the unit, loosen the nuts on the lifting hooks and remove the engine support tool complete.
- Position the lifting crane block over the engine with the lifting jig fitted and attach the lifting hooks to the engine eyes.
- Raise the block to take the load and lower the jack to facilitate engine removal.

Engine Removal:


- Raise and move the engine transmission assembly clear of the vehicle (View 12) and lower it onto a work bench.
- Undo the cooler pipe unions to the transmission and drain the oil.
- Undo and release the feed wire from the alternator terminal and 'P' clip.
- Undo and remove the following securing bolts, taking care to retrieve the spacers; air pump transfer pipe to cooler bracket, cooler pipe/alternator harness tube mounting bracket, transmission oil cooler pipe bracket to sump.
- Be sure the oil is fully drained from the transmission and fit blanking plugs to the open ends.
- Support the starter motor and remove its holding bolts; remove the starter motor, cooler pipe and alternator assembly.
- Disconnect the transmission vacuum hose from the inlet manifold (3 View 9) and remove the transmission dipstick tube.
- Remove the kickdown wire 'P' clip from the transmission and disconnect the wire lucar.
- Remove the torque convertor lower closing plate assembly after the removal of its securing nuts and bolts.
- Gain access to undo the converter securing bolts by removing the engine block rear blanking grommet and turning the crank for each location.
- Undo and remove each drive plate to convertor securing bolt.
- Position the crane pulley block over the transmission and attach it to the transmission via a suitable lifting sling. Take the weight of the transmission (Fig. 1) and remove the engine to transmission securing bolts.
- Separate and lift the transmission/torque convertor assembly clear of the engine, taking care that the convertor remains in the transmission.
- Lower the transmission to the floor, and release from the lifting sling.
- Open the tab washer ears to enable the drive plate securing bolts to be removed.

NOTE: Be sure that a flywheel jamb is fitted to lock the drive plate prior to the removal of the securing bolts.

- Remove the bolts, jamb. tab washer and drive- plate.
- Release the crankshaft drive plate sensor to oil feed pipe electrical harness from its ratchet straps and disconnect the multi-plug.
- Unclip the harness from the camshaft oil feed pipe
- Remove the bolts securing the drive plate lower sensor housing to the engine block, displacing the assembly from the block dowel pins.
- At the front of the engine, loosen these nuts and bolts: trunnion rod to idler pulley pivot; trunnion to idler housing; trunnion adjuster nut and lock nut.
- Pivot the idler pulley towards the engine and remove its belt.
- Remove the power assisted steering drive belt.
- Slacken these nuts and bolts: air pump pivot; air pump trunnion rod pivot; adjuster nut and lock nut.
- Pivot the air pump towards the engine and remove the drive belt.
- Remove the alternator from the engine by following a similar sequence.
- Lift and remove the old engine from the work area, and lift the new engine onto the work bench.