Wheel Alignment - Tire Wear/Handling Problems
Tire Wear/Handling Problems - Wheel Alignment
All DATE 6/91
Wheel alignment specifications.
Use the following specifications when adjusting wheel alignment.
^ When adjusting the toe to correct abnormal tire wear or a handling problem, set the toe to the nearest limit. DO NOT set to the mid-limit dimension.
EXAMPLE: 1991 MY Sedan - Measured toe-in 3/16", reset to 1/16" toe-in.
^ When setting the toe after repairing/replacing associated suspension components, set the toe to the mid-limit dimension.
EXAMPLE: 1991 MY Sedan - After front suspension rebuild, set toe-in to 1/32".
NOTE: Do not check and reset front end alignment at PDI or at routine services. Only adjust after repairs or when abnormal wear or vehicle handling problems are present.
When checking/adjusting the front end alignment, ALWAYS use the appropriate special tools to set the ride height.
Sedan 1988 MY Onwards:
JD 133 Camber tie down links (front)
JD 145 Camber tie down links (rear)
XJ-S and XJ6 Series III:
JAG 1505 Camber setting blocks
JD 25B Rear camber setting links