Technician Safety Information
PrecautionsThe air conditioning system is designed to use only Refrigerant 12 (dichlorodifluoromethane). Extreme care must be taken NOT to use a methylchloride refrigerant. The chemical reaction between methylchloride and the aluminium parts of the compressor will result in the formation of products which will burn spontaneously on exposure to air, or decompose with violence in the presence of moisture. The suitable refrigerant is supplied under the following trade names:
^ FREON 12
^ Or any refrigerant with a specification of 12
WARNING: Goggles and gloves must be worn while working with refrigerant. Extreme care should be exercised in handling refrigerant. Liquid refrigerant at atmospheric pressure boils at 29°C. Serious damage or blindness may occur if refrigerant is allowed to come into contact with the eyes. If refrigerant should come into contact with the eyes or skin, splash the eyes or affected area with cold water for several minutes. DO NOT RUB. As soon as possible thereafter, obtain treatment from a doctor or an eye specialist.
Service Procedures/Good Practices
- Protective sealing plugs must be fitted to all disconnected pipes and units.
- The protective sealing plugs must remain in position on all replacement components and pipes until immediately before assembly.
- Any part arriving for assembly without sealing plugs in position must be returned to the supplier as defective.
- It is essential that a second backing spanner is always used when tightening or loosening all joints. This minimizes distortion or strain on components or connecting hoses.
- Components must not be lifted by connecting pipes, hoses or capillary tubes.
- Care must be taken not to damage fins on the condenser or evaporator matrices. Any damage must be rectified by the use of fin combs.
- Before assembly of tube and hose joints, use a small amount of clean new refrigerant oil on the sealing seat.
- Refrigerant oil for any purpose must be kept very clean and capped at all times. This will prevent the oil absorbing moisture.
- Before assembly the condition of joints and flares must be examined. Dirt and even minor damage can cause leaks at the high pressure points encountered in the system.
- Dirty end fittings can only be cleaned using a cloth dampened with alcohol.
- After removing sealing plugs and immediately before assembly, visually check the bore of pipes and components. Where any dirt or moisture is discovered, the part must be rejected.
- All components must be allowed to reach room temperature before sealing plugs are removed. This prevents condensation should the component be cold initially.
- Before finally tightening hose connections ensure that the hose lies in the correct position, is not kinked or twisted and will not be trapped by subsequence operations, e.g. refitting or closing bonnet.
- Check that hoses are correctly fitted in clips or straps.
- The compressor must be stored horizontally with the sump down. It must not be rotated before fitting and charging. Do not remove the shipping plate until immediately before assembly. Always use new "0" ring seals in those joints that incorporate them.
- Components or hoses removed must be sealed immediately after removal.
- After the system has been opened the receiver/dryer must be renewed.
- Before testing, run the engine until normal running temperature is reached. This ensures that sufficient vacuum is available for test. For cooling tests the engine must be running for the compressor clutch to operate.