PDU-PC Version 3 (JTP628/1)
The new PDU-PC software has been developed to operate with the new Windows 95 installation on the Dealer Training Multi-Media PC. It is required when downloading traces and screen prints from PDU software JTP626 and JTP627. This software looks and behaves very differently from version 2. It will not support downloads from earlier PDU software which are compatible with PDU Capture version 2.INSTALLATION
To install the new software on to the PC insert the CD into the top CD drive. Select the My Computer icon, select the (D:) from the drives available. From the list of file names, double click on lnstall.bat. Follow the on-screen instruction from this point.
Selecting PDU-PC version 3 on the PC will cause the "Main Window" screen to appear. Note: Should a message appear "Unable to open Database" then a copy of the application may already be running in minimized mode.To open this move the cursor to the bottom of the screen, a bar will appear displaying all of the open applications, click on PDU-PC version 3.
Selecting any of the print functions on the PDU will cause the screen to appear instructing connection to the PC. As soon as the connection is made the PDU will transfer the required data to the PC. It is no longer necessary to select a download command on the PC.
If the data transfer fails then the following should be checked.
1. Ensure PC is switched ON
2. Ensure PDU-PC Version 3 is running.
3. Ensure the download cable is correctly connected.
Printing from the PDU should not be attempted while the PC is being used to run a multimedia training course. The training software takes control of all of the PCs resources and will not allow the PDU to successfully complete the download process.
Help - This provides access to on line help.
Save - This saves the current data to PDU-PC's own data depository. All data is normally stored within a secure depository controlled by the application. Access to the depository is not available from outside PDU-PC Version 3.
Print All - This allows the current data to be printed.
Send - Will be used on later releases to enable the transfer of data directly back to Jaguar (not used on this release).
Export - This allows the current data to be saved outside of the depository with a file name of the users choice. (See Save As screen).
Old Data - This opens a new screen called the Data Manager, this will provide a list of all of the data in the depository (See Data Manager screen).
Send Queue - Not used on this release.
Configure - This opens the configuration screen, enabling the dealer details to be updated. (See Configure Jaguar PDU-PC screen).
Print Selection - This opens a screen enabling selected pages of the current data to be printed. (See Print Selection screen).
Check Boxes
Two check boxes exist to enable the basic PC functions to be automated, reducing the level of user intervention.
Auto Print - When this is selected all data sent from the PDU to the PC will automatically be printed. In most cases no user input is required at the PC.
Auto Save - When this is selected all data sent from the PDU will be saved within the data depository, again in most cases no user input will be required at the PC.
Information Panels
Main Panel - The main information panel displays the first page of the currently selected data.
Summary Panel - This displays some key information about the current data, typical information would be type of data and VIN Number.
Comment Panel - This allows the input or editing of any comments regarding the current data. Up to 255 characters of comments may be added to each set of data.
The Save As screen allows the user to save the currently selected data as a file outside of PDU-PC's data depository. This should be used if the data is to be used as part of another document. This is a standard Windows 95 Save As screen allowing the user to select the directory, filename and file type in which the data is to be saved.
Save - Saves the data using the file name indicated in the File Name box.
Cancel - Cancels the operation and returns control to the Main Window.
Information Panels
Save In - Displays the current directory name in which the data will be saved.
File Name - Displayed the file name that the current data will use.
Save As Type - Displays the type of file that the data will be saved as.
Main Panel - Displays the list of files in the current directory.
The data manager screen provides a list of the data stored in the data depository, allowing the user to open, export or delete old data.
S93 Data must not be deleted from the depository.
Help - Provides help specific to the Data Manager screen.
Open - Opens the selected data in the Main Window. To select data move the cursor top the required item on the list and click the left mouse button.
Export - Allows the selected data to be saved outside of the depository with a file name of the users choice. (See Save As screen).
Close - Closes the Data Manger screen and returns control to the Main Window.
Show This Week
Show This Month
Show All - Only one of these 3 buttons may be selected. These allow filtering of the list so that only the data added to the depository this week, this month or all of the data may be viewed.
Information Panel
The main panel displays a list of the data held in the depository showing the following detail:
Unique ID - A unique identifier allocated by the PDU-PC application.
Queue Status - Not used on this release.
VIN Number - The VIN of the vehicle on which the data was gathered.
Data Type - Indication of the type of data e.g. Bitmap, JVA, text etc.
Date Created - The date when the data was added to the depository.
Date Queued - Not used on this release.
Technicians Comment -The user entered comment relating to the data.
By highlighting the header bar of any of the columns the data will be resorted in ascending order of the column selected. Each of the data columns is also re-sizeable by pointing the cursor to the edge of the header bar, holding down the left mouse button and dragging the column to the required size.
Pointing the cursor at any item in the list and double clicking on the left mouse button will cause the data to be opened.
The Configure Jaguar PDU-PC screen enables the dealer name, dealer address, telephone number, CI code and the PDU communications port to be updated.
Help - Provides help specific to this screen.
Save Changes - Saves any changes made to the configuration data.
Cancel Changes - Returns control to the Main Window without saving any of the changes made.
Information Panels
All of the Information panels are updatable. The PDU Corn Port is the communications channel that PDU uses to talk to the PC. This should normally be COM2 (the modem uses COM1).
The Print Selection screen enables selected pages of the current data to be printed.
Help - Provides help information specific to this screen.
Print All - Prints all of the current data.
Print Current Page - Prints the displayed page of the current data.
Close - Exits this screen and returns control to the Main Window.
Images Per Page - Enables the number of images on each page to be modified.
Only one of the three options can be selected at any time.
Page Up - Moves to the previous page.
Page Down - Moves to the next page.
Information Panel
The main panel displays the page that will be printed if the Print Current Page button is pressed.