Heater Core: Service and Repair
- Disconnect the battery earth lead.
- Remove the left hand console side casing.
- Remove the left hand dash liner.
- Remove the glove box.
- Drain the engine coolant into a suitable container.
- Remove the matrix cover panel securing screws.
- Remove the rear panel, displace front panel and foam seal for access.
- Place rag in position.
- Remove screws securing the feed pipe and disconnect the pipe from matrix.
- Remove and discard gasket.
- Remove the screws securing the feed pipe and disconnect the pipe from matrix.
- Remove and discard the gasket.
- Disconnect the water temperature switch feed wires.
- Remove foam pad from pipes.
- Displace the vacuum pipes fro access.
- Remove the front panel from unit.
- Undo heater hose matrix pipe hose clips and disconnect the hoses from the pipes.
- Reposition pipes from matrix.
- Remove matrix from air con unit.
- Fitting a new matrix is the reversal of the removal procedure.
- Ensure new gaskets are fitted.