Air Bag: Service and Repair
Release the steering column tilt lever and fully lower the column.
See the 'warnings and health and safety precautions' before proceeding with the air bag module removal. Service Precautions
Move the steering wheel through 90 degrees from the straight ahead position.
Fig. 1:
Remove the air bag module securing nut cover (Fig. 1).
Fig. 2:
Undo and remove the securing nut (Fig. 2).
Turn the steering wheel through 180 degrees. Remove the second securing nut cover. Undo and remove the securing nut. Return the steering wheel to the straight ahead position.
Fig. 3:
Open the arm screw cover (1 Fig. 3). Using the service tool JD 159 in conjunction with the screwdriver 18G 861 (2 Fig. 3), unscrew the arming screw (anti-clockwise) until it reaches a stop (12 turns, approximately 15 mm total movement).
Fig. 4:
Slide the access plate across and lock it in position by screwing the arming screw in approximately two turns, thus giving access to the module securing screw (1 Fig. 4).
Slacken and release the (captive) module securing screw.
Fig. 5:
Remove the module and check that it is correctly disarmed (Fig. 5) and place it (cover uppermost) in a lockable cupboard.
Undo and remove the steering wheel securing nut.
Mark the position of the steering wheel for replacement purposes.
Withdraw the wheel from the column.
Fit the wheel to the column splines ensuring correct alignment.
Fit and tighten the steering wheel securing nut.
Offer up the air bag module to the steering wheel.
Ensuring that the module is square in the wheel, apply a light positioning force to it and start the captive securing screw.
Tighten the screw ensuring that the module pulls down squarely, by pressing down on the top spoke area.
Using the screwdriver 18G 861 and the service tool JD159, turn the arming screw two turns anti-clockwise to release the access plate.
The access plate will slide across under spring pressure and cover the module securing bolt.
Using screwdriver 18G 861 and service tool JD159, turn the arming screw clockwise approximately 12 turns until it reaches a stop, thus arming the bag.
Torque tighten the screw 1 to 2 Nm.
NOTE: The access plate is locked in place so that the captive securing screw cannot be removed with the module armed. (A loose plate indicates that the module is not armed).
Close the arming mechanism cover.
NOTE: The cover cannot be closed unless the module is armed and the wheel cannot be turned with the cover open.
Turn the wheel 90 degrees to the left.
Fit and tighten the module securing nut and fit the nut cover.
Turn the wheel 180 degrees to the right.
Fit and tighten the remaining securing nut and fit its cover.
Centralize the wheel and adjust the column to the required height.
Air bag arming tool: JD159
Torque screwdriver: 18G 861
Steering wheel to steering column: 35-45 Nm
Module securing nut: 10-12 Nm
Module securing screw (captive): 10-12 Nm
24 mm
13 mm
8 mm