Manual Transmission/Transaxle: Service and Repair
REMOVE1. Disconnect battery ground cable and remove hood.
2. Remove rear intake manifold securing nuts.
3. Remove injector harness mounting bracket.
Engine Support Tool:
4. Install a suitable engine support/lifting eye and engine support bracket tool No. MS 53B or equivalent, across engine compartment as shown in Fig. 2, and align to rear lifting hook.
5. Install retaining hook and tighten to support engine.
6. Remove air filter ram tube.
7. Remove bolts securing fan to torquatrol unit, then move fan towards rear to remove.
8. Disconnect oxygen sensor, then raise vehicle.
9. Disconnect exhaust system from front pipe.
10. Remove exhaust sealing ring and carefully remove exhaust system for access.
11. Remove heat shield, then disconnect propeller shaft from differential flange.
12. Disconnect and remove propeller shaft. Disconnect slave cylinder from bellhousing (without disconnecting hydraulic lines) and secure to frame with wire.
13. Remove slave cylinder pushrod, then remove transmission switch block connector from securing clip.
14. Position a suitable jack below transmission, then support transmission and remove rear mount bolts.
15. Lower jack and remove rear mount assembly.
16. Remove mounting spring and spring mounting rubber.
17. From above, carefully release engine support hook to lower rear of transmission. Use caution to not damage power steering rack.
18. From below vehicle, remove selector shaft U-joint securing nut and bolt.
19. Reposition selector from lower gear lever and remove wavy washer from selector.
Gear Selector Control Bolts:
20. Remove gear selector control securing bolts (1), Fig. 3.
21. Remove mounting rubbers and washers (2), Fig. 3.
Transmission Bolt Location:
22. Reposition control assembly for access. Loosen and remove all but two transmission to engine adapter plate securing bolts (1) Fig. 4.
23. Install suitable transmission lift jack and safety chain to transmission.
24. Remove two remaining adapter plate bolts and separate transmission from engine.
25. Carefully lower transmission from vehicle
26. Reverse procedure to install. Tighten to specifications.