Instrument Panel, Gauges and Warning Indicators: Service and Repair
Disconnect the battery earth lead.
Remove driver's side dash liner. Service and Repair
Remove the driver's side dash liner armature for access (Federal Vehicles only).
Remove the instrument housing to fascia securing screws.
Reposition the steering wheel to its lowest tilt position.
Displace and reposition the instrument housing to gain access to the harness multi-plugs.
Disconnect the harness multi-plugs from the back of the instrument panel.
Fig 1:
Remove the instrument panel / housing assembly.
Remove the instrument panel to housing securing nuts / screws and remove the housing.
Place the instrument panel face down on the bench, ensuring that the panel lens is protected with a suitable cloth or similar.
Note: To minimize the risk of damage and contamination, all repairs conducted on the instrument pack should be performed in a non-static dust-free environment. Avoid touching connector pins and PCB track / components, to minimize the risk of static damage.
Release the electronics pack retaining clips and pivot the pack upwards.
Displace and remove all warning bulbs; bayonet fining, twist 1/8th turn anti-clockwise to release.
Note: There are two different types of colored bulb holders, each type must be returned to the correct location.
Disconnect the flexible printed circuit to LCD multi-plug.
Using the thumb and forefinger, gently ease the circuit crimps off the gauge pins and remove the circuit board.
Displace and remove instrument electronics pack / flexible circuit board assembly.
Remove the seven veneer panel securing screws. With the gauges uppermost, release the panel lens securing clips and remove the panel lens assembly.
CAUTION: With the panel lens removed, DO NOT rest the panel face-down. The gauge needles are extremely delicate and are easily damaged. Also, take care not to scratch or damage the gauge faces, ensure cleanliness when handling the panel.
Displace and remove the veneer panel.
The LCD module is attached to the veneer panel, but with caution may be removed as a complete assembly.
CAREFULLY, remove the relevant gauge set.
NOTE: Individual gauge movements CAN NOT be serviced, pointers and can location screws should not be removed.
Align and fit the new gauge set to the instrument panel taking care not to damage the gauge needles.
The rest of the refitting procedure is the reversal of the removal procedure.
Note: Before refitting the veneer panel, carefully return all gauge needles to 'STOP PIN' position.
On re-connection of the battery, it is important that the ignition is cycled and the bulb check is completed. The odometer reading will then be restored to the correct value.