Fig.2 O-Ring, Spring And Rack Damper Pad Removal:
1. Thoroughly clean exterior of steering gear.
2. Remove plugs from pinion housing ports and purge any remaining fluid by turning pinion gently from lock to lock.
3. Center pinion gear and note location of pinchbolt groove.
4. Remove mounting bushings and sleeves.
5. Release nuts securing hydraulic lines to pinion valve housing and rack body.
6. Remove hydraulic lines from rack assembly, then the sealing washer from port in the pinion end rack housing.
7. Note position and release two large clips securing boots to pinion and end housings.
8. Pull boots to allow access to inner tie rod assemblies.
9. Push back tab washers securing inner tie rod locknuts to rack. Do not disturb tab washers between locknuts and ball pin housings.
10. Hold one inner tie rod assembly with a spanner wrench and loosen opposite tie rod.
11. Protect rack teeth and back of rack. Clamp rack to enable other tie rod to be released.
12. Unscrew tie rod assemblies from rack. Remove springs and packing pieces, if equipped.
13. Release locknut securing rack damper. Remove nut, threaded plug, spring and rack damper pad.
14. If rack damper adjustment is satisfactory and rack damper does not require overhaul, then remove two bolts and lift off plate. Remove O-ring, spring and rack damper pad, Fig. 2.