JDS - Software Issue DBC4080
JDS-65JDS Software - Issue DBC 4080
94 MY Sedan Range
Software Issue DBC 4080 is used to diagnose faults on all 1994 MY Sedan Range vehicles from VIN 687219.
This software issue consists of three discs, (A, B & C). All diagnostics begin with disc A. Then the operator will be instructed to install the other disc(s), if required, during the diagnostic routine.
Similar to previous issues, software DBC 4080 is formatted as follows:
1. Fault Diagnosis
2. Vehicle Set-Up
3. Connector Information
4. Multi-Meter Check
5. Disc Check
6. Re-load From New Disc
The main changes from JDS Software Issue DBC 4070 (1993 MY Sedan and 1994 MY XJ12) include the following:
^ Diagnostics of the Harada electric antenna.
^ Diagnostics of the Polychromic (light sensitive) rear view mirror.
^ Trip computer range calibration.