Up to VIN 198335
Key To Symbols And Codes:
Symbols and Codes
Wiring Color Codes
N Brown
B Black
W White
K Pink
G Green
R Red
Y Yellow
O Orange
S State
L Light
U Blue
P Purple
When a wire has two or more color code letters, the first letter indicates the main color and the subsequent letter(s) indicate the tracer color(s).
Wiring Harness Codes
Code Description
AB ABS harness
AC Air conditioning harness
BF Boot fuse harness
BL Boot Lid harness
BN Binnacle harness
CC Cruise Control harness
CH Control harness
CS Column switch gear harness
DD Driver's door harness
DS Driver's seat harness
EM Engine Management harness
FP Fuel pump harness
GH Gearbox harness
GS Gear select harness
HH Hood harness (convertible top)
HL High level stop light harness
LB Bulkhead harness (left-hand drive)
LF Left forward harness
LI Lucas injection harness
PD Passenger's door harness
PS Passenger's seat harness
RC Rear courtesy light harness
RF Right forward harness
RH Rearward harness
SB Seat belt harness
SC Security system harness
SH Seat harness
SM Driver's seat control harness
SN Passenger's seat control harness
SS Steering column switch gear harness
ST Starter motor harness
ZA Shorting plug
ZC Shorting plug
Connector Codes
EXAMPLE:LB13-24 (Pin Number Is Separated By A Dash)
Note : Absence of a dash and a pin number indicates a single wire connector.
Splice Codes
EXAMPLE: LBS3 (No Dash Is Used)
Ground Codes
EXAMPLE: LBG78 (No Dash Is Used)
Diode Codes
EXAMPLE: LSD3 (No Dash Is Used)
Reference Symbols
Two reference symbols are used to indicate the reminder of the circuit (Feed And Ground) and refer the reader to one of two preliminary figures.
Battery Power Distribution:
Ignition Switched Power Distribution:
Reference Flags
Reference Flag:
This Symbol refers the reader to a figure number only. It does not refer to a flag with the same number on a different figure.
As used in figure 1, 2 and 3, the flag refers to a figure number where the circuit is continued. In this instance, the reader matches the Box or Diamond numbers to trace the circuit.
In most other cases, it is not necessary to refer to another figure for completion of a circuit and circuits which share components. Most of the circuits where this situation occurs are overlapped to avoid the necessity for cross-referencing to another figure.
Data Pages
Every wiring diagram has a corresponding data page to its left in the book. This information aids the reader in identifying and locating components, connectors and ground points.Additionally, where applicable, processor and logic unit Input / Output information is provided to aid the reader in understanding circuit operation. This information should not be used for diagnostic purposes.