FUEL REQUIREMENTSYour vehicle was designed to meet all emission regulations and provide excellent fuel economy when using high quality unleaded gasoline.
Use unleaded gasolines having a minimum posted octane of 87.
If your vehicle develops occasional light spark knock (ping) at low engine speeds this is not harmful. However; continued heavy knock at high speeds can cause damage and should be reported to your dealer immediately. Engine damage as a result of heavy knock operation may not be covered by the new vehicle warranty.
In addition to using unleaded gasoline with the proper octane rating, those that contain detergents, corrosion and stability additives are recommended. Using gasolines that have these additives will help improve fuel economy, reduce emissions, and maintain vehicle performance.
Poor quality gasoline can cause problems such as hard starting, stalling, and stumble. If you experience these problems, try another brand of gasoline before considering service for the vehicle.